We offer cooperation and advertising for fishing bases and recreation centers, for fishing shops, shops selling equipment for outdoor activities, suppliers and manufacturers of fishing tackle and equipment, boats and boat engines, as well as additional equipment.
- Briefly about us
- History, indicators, attendance
- Advertising and other opportunities for cooperation
- banner advertising
- Placement of an article, review
- Getting into the ratings in the “articles” section
- Location on interactive maps
- Manufacturers of fishing and outdoor products
- Offline store advertising
- Поделиться ссылкой:
Briefly about us
The tytkleva.net resource is dedicated to fishing and related areas. The site contains articles written by professional and experienced anglers – spinning, floaters, bottomers, adherents of carp fishing and winter fishing. Lots of unique original content.
Current fishing calendar.
History, indicators, attendance
Very trusted domain, registered over 14 years ago. Search engines have a positive attitude towards domain names with a history. Multilingual site – up to 30 languages, wide geo interested audience:
target audience of the site is solvent men (they account for 83-85% of all site visitors), leading an active lifestyle, aged 25 to 54 years (75% of visitors), who are fond of fishing and outdoor recreation. Such an audience as a potential client will be of interest to the following advertisers:
- manufacturers and sellers of goods and services for summer and winter fishing, hunting and outdoor activities;
- manufacturers and sellers of clothing and equipment;
- recreation centers.
Advertising and other opportunities for cooperation
banner advertising
Placement of a banner from 50 USD per month, or a one-time payment from 500 USD. Depends on many factors:
- location;
- the size;
- through to all pages, or not;
- main page, or internal;
- geotargeted, or without reference to the user’s location;
- static or animated;
- and others.
A geo-targeted banner will cost less.
Placement of an article, review
We offer you the opportunity to place a finished article describing your product (group of products) / service or trademark with an eternal external link to your resource. The price of one perpetual doufollow link is 30 USD when placed in an already prepared article provided by you. And 50 USD if the article is written specifically for your product by our experts. It is also possible to organically supplement one of the already posted articles with your link and a small explanatory text. Such a link will cost from 15 USD.
Getting into the ratings in the “articles” section
Getting into the “articles” section from 50 USD per month, depending on the section and other parameters.
Location on interactive maps
Getting on the map of fishing places / recreation centers / where it bites / fishing shops in the appropriate category. A corresponding mark is placed on the map in red to stand out from other objects on the map. The label contains a description and advertisement of your object with contact information. The price tag is 10 USD without an active link in the description, 20 USD with it. Pay once and forever. Additionally, placement in the ranking of the best places (paid reservoirs, bases, shops) in your region is possible – from 50 USD per month, depending on the region and the object of advertising. From us you get – access to a wide fishing community with a wide geolocation, quick feedback, an individual approach, various advertising formats for your tasks, promotions and discounts.
Manufacturers of fishing and outdoor products
Cooperation is possible on the basis of: marketplace, dropshipping, a place in the “our partners” tab, where we can post an overview of your company, products and services, and other areas. Terms are being discussed.
Offline store advertising
If you do not have a website on the Internet, we can create a page for you within our resource, where we will describe your assortment, offers and benefits, prices, and provide potential customers with your contacts. Terms and prices are negotiable.
Discount for the first placement of advertising – 10%.
Questions of cooperation and advertising:
Email: support@tytkleva.net