How to choose a factory anchor for a PVC boat and do it yourself

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An anchor is an essential piece of equipment for any boat fishing. It is the anchor that protects the boat from a strong current and it is he who allows it to gain a foothold as best as possible so that no excitement of the water affects fishing.
How to choose a factory anchor for a PVC boat and do it yourself

Anchor for PVC boats – why is it needed

An anchor is not only a safety net for any open water fisherman, but also a mandatory measure for many boats. According to the current rules, any registered vessel must have an anchor weighing at least 2 kilograms. Thus, possession of an anchor not only makes the fishing process easier, but is also a mandatory measure that should be followed by all boat owners.
How to choose a factory anchor for a PVC boat and do it yourselfThe weight of the anchor, depending on the size and weight of the boat [/ caption] First of all, the work of the anchor provides the vessel with water resistance. The anchor is a metal structure of different types and weights, clinging to the bottom of the reservoir. Also, anchors are divided into homemade and professional. It is worth remembering that the device for fixing the boat must always be kept at hand, since not only fishing in general depends on this, but also the safety and life of the fisherman.

What types are there

There are a huge number of types of anchors that are used by the owners of PVC boats, but first, let’s divide the anchors into factory and homemade ones:

  1. A homemade anchor is a DIY model. It is also possible to generalize here all the cargoes used by fishermen as an anchor. The anchor can be self-poured from lead or cast iron, or it can be created by welding several metal parts. The main thing is compactness, weight with a relatively small size and tenacity to the bottom. Also, under a homemade anchor, we mean foreign cargo, which has no close relation to real anchors. For example, a bag of stones, bricks, any piece of iron that is at hand and tied to a rope, etc. How to choose a factory anchor for a PVC boat and do it yourselfHomemade blank [/ caption]
  2. The factory anchor is a metal structure, created according to a clear pattern and meets all quality standards. And they at the anchor are as follows: compactness, decent weight with a small size, strength, clear, symmetrical parts of the structure, as well as a special stainless steel. (Although this is not necessary, since the metals used for the manufacture of structures are completely different).How to choose a factory anchor for a PVC boat and do it yourself

With the choice and classification of purchased anchors, everything is much more complicated. And we will talk about them further.

How to choose a purchased anchor for a PVC boat: parameters and types

Choosing an anchor is a responsible business. To choose the right one for your conditions, you need to take into account some of the features of the reservoir and the boat. Let’s figure it out in more detail.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing

To choose the right anchor, first of all, you need to pay attention to the features of the reservoir. The main factor that should be guided by is the bottom of the reservoir and its relief. In many reservoirs of the middle zone of the country, a flat and sandy bottom is widespread. Many types of anchors are suitable for him, but the most common in use is the cat anchor.
How to choose a factory anchor for a PVC boat and do it yourselfCat [/ caption] If the bottom of the reservoir is rocky or, on the contrary, muddy, then a mushroom anchor would be an excellent option. It adheres perfectly to almost every surface and has a number of advantages, surpassing many other types of anchors. How to choose a factory anchor for a PVC boat and do it yourselfMatrosov’s anchor clearly fixes the craft on any ground [/ caption]

Selection for a boat

Usually, the selection of an anchor for a boat is carried out using an easy calculation. There should be 1 kilogram of anchor for one meter of boat length. Thus, on average PVC boats about 2.5-4 meters long, anchors from 2 to 5 kilograms are anchored. This method of calculating mass is very convenient and efficient, despite its simplicity. How to choose an anchor for a PVC boat – dimensions, weight, design, selection for the weight and size of the boat:

The main types of anchors

Consider the main types of anchors and their advantages in certain bodies of water.

  1. Mushroom is a mushroomshaped anchor rarely exceeding 10 kilograms. Despite the absence of sharp paws, the mushroom anchor copes with its task with a bang. It has wide, rounded feet that grip tightly on virtually any bottom surface. This type of anchors works especially well on rocky and muddy bottom. Also, one cannot fail to mention that this anchor is very convenient and, when hooked (which in itself is unlikely), easily slips through snags and other underwater obstacles. For example, the same cat, clinging to a snag with a sharp paw, often breaks off.How to choose a factory anchor for a PVC boat and do it yourself
  2. The cat anchor is very popular with PVC boat owners. This species is very compact and works according to the “umbrella” mechanism. During transportation, it can be easily completed, and during operation, it opens up, straightening several pointed hook paws. It is used in particular on sandy reservoirs, the surface of which is easy to cling to. As mentioned earlier, its main disadvantage is the lack of maneuverability and frequent engagement.How to choose a factory anchor for a PVC boat and do it yourself
  3. The Hall anchor is also a very popular and effective type of construction used both for PVC boats and in the navy. The function of the rod at the anchor is performed by swivel legs, under the bottom of which there is a skirt. This ensures good grip of the anchor with the bottom. By itself, the anchor is heavy and does not deeply penetrate the ground. However, all this does not prevent him from showing himself as one of the best heavy anchors that exist. This type is suitable for sandy and pebble soils. It is for PVC boats that such anchors are rarely purchased, but if, nevertheless, the owner of the floating facility made a choice in favor of the Hall design, then it is recommended to buy a model weighing at least 3.5 kilograms.How to choose a factory anchor for a PVC boat and do it yourself
  4. Denforth is an uncomplicated monolithic construction in which there are no folding parts. The anchor is somewhat reminiscent of a plow. The model has an impressive size, and therefore is rarely used by owners of small boats. The anchor is used for reservoirs with a sandy or muddy bottom. It is very reliable and has a number of advantages, despite its impressive size and the possibility of breaking off when hooked (but this happens very rarely).How to choose a factory anchor for a PVC boat and do it yourself

As you can see, each anchor has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, the best options for PVC boats are cat and mushroom. Best PVC Rubber Boat Anchors:

How to make an anchor for a PVC boat with your own hands: drawings, video instructions

In order to make the anchor yourself, you need to decide which method will be used to make the anchor. The first method is
to cast the anchor from the model; the second is making an anchor
by weldingmetal. Also, these methods can be combined with each other. In most cases, anglers do exactly this: they cast separately all the large parts of the anchor: the spindle, legs and stock. Then the paws are welded with a spindle, and later the stem is welded. For strength, both paws and the spindle are often fastened with a clamp, making a hole in each part and welding a rod into it. Drawings of self-made anchors for PVC boats:

It should be noted that making an anchor with your own hands is much more profitable than buying a ready-made factory. Also, this method is good in that the angler can create an anchor himself, according to his taste and discretion. After all, it often happens that, for one reason or another, the factory anchor does not fit the purchased boat.

How to make an anchor from scrap materials in the field

In the life of every fisherman, there are times when you don’t want to use the services of stores that overcharge at three dear, and there is a desire to save money. At such moments, many resort to making their own tackle, fishing gear and other equipment. Boat owners are no exception. Many anglers, trying to replace the well-known and necessary anchor, are beginning to look for an alternative to it. Consider the main ways to replace the store anchor with household, public attributes.

  1. A popular alternative to an anchor is a simple bag filled with stones or iron bolts . It is an easy replacement requiring little effort to make. Most often, fabric bags are used for this. They are more durable. It is also worth noting that the weight of the stones should be about 15-20 kilograms. The weight of the homemade cargo should always be greater than the weight of the real anchor.
  2. Bricks are another replacement for the anchor . Usually they are also used to stuff a bag. But you can also tie a few large building bricks to the rope, weighing 5 kilograms. Then a good load will come out of it. Smooth bricks are unlikely to catch on some kind of water barrier. This is another advantage of this cargo.
  3. Often, fishermen tie heavy metal devices to a rope . It can be either a small crowbar or a sports kettlebell weighing 16 kilograms. This is the simplest option and requires absolutely no effort.

How to choose a factory anchor for a PVC boat and do it yourselfSimple homemade anchor [/ caption] Any item that is comfortable to attach and has a weight worthy of an anchor can serve as a replacement for this anchor. However, one should not forget that this type of anchors is not legal. It is used only by courageous anglers who know that they will not be able to get caught. If such a disregard for the rules is discovered, the fisherman is threatened with certain measures from the side of the law. It must also be said that all of the above homemade loads are effective only on a flat and sandy surface.

How to avoid anchor snagging

Anchor hook is a fear of many boaters. In addition to financial loss, this also means spending a huge amount of time looking for new cargo right on the reservoir. Most anglers try to avoid this. Consider the main provisions that will help prevent anchor snagging:

  1. You always need to select an anchor responsibly, based on knowledge of the topography of the reservoir and the characteristics of your own boat .
  2. It is recommended to choose less engaging anchors . The ideal option would be a mushroom anchor, as well as a Hall design.
  3. It is necessary to avoid dangerous areas of the reservoir , as well as to insure yourself and take a second anchor.
  4. There is also a special trick that some anglers use. They attach an additional cord to the anchor bracket , a rope, the end of which is also in the boat. In the case of a hook, try to swing the anchor in several directions using both ropes. So the chance to get him out of the hook increases.

How to choose a factory anchor for a PVC boat and do it yourselfNon-hook anchor [/ caption] If you take into account all the above rules, you can safely avoid the anchor hook, fish efficiently and not waste time and effort to fight the hold.

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