Fishing for carp and carp for corn: installation of tackle, how to cook grains

Карповая рыбалка

Fishing for carp and its wild river carp variety for corn produces excellent results. However, there are many nuances that must be taken into account in order for the catches to be successful on a consistent basis. Since there are different types of corn, the peculiarities of its use as bait and attachment on the hook.

Pros and cons of using corn when fishing for carp

Corn has many benefits, making it one of the best baits for
carp and carp:

  • ease of use – corn can be easily put on a hook or hair rig ;
  • availability – for example, canned corn can be purchased at every store in any locality;
  • versatility in use – this attachment can successfully catch both small fish weighing 250-350 grams, and trophy carp from 10 kg;
  • corn is the most catchy bait for carp when fishing with “peaceful” tackle.

Fishing for carp and carp for corn: installation of tackle, how to cook grains corn melts in the mouth [/ caption]

There is only one drawback – catching carp in winter for corn is impossible. She is most attractive to this fish in warm water.

Fishing features

Fishing for carp and carp for corn is most effective in the middle and late summer. At the same time, there are several options for its use in the form of bait:

  • choose grains as an independent bait, throwing them into a pond in bulk;
  • make yourself a multicomponent bait mixture;
  • add corn to the store bait.

Fishing for carp and carp for corn: installation of tackle, how to cook grains Corn bait balls [/ caption] As a tackle for carp when fishing for corn, you can choose both a donk and a float rod. The latter is great for fishing with small fish over short distances, especially in stagnant ponds. Bottom gear is usually used for trophy fishing far from the coastline, in particular on the current.

Choice of catchy grains

You can buy both ready-made corn in cans, and specially prepared from well-known manufacturing companies in fishing shops. Another option is to make your own corn.
Fishing for carp and carp for corn: installation of tackle, how to cook grains There is such a silicone corn for catching carp with different flavors, its plus is that it holds well on the hook, but at the same time the carp quickly feels a trick and a timely strike is needed [/ caption]

Tinned in banks

This bait is ready to use and can be purchased at any store. If you choose it only as a nozzle, then this purchase will not cost very much. The costs will be more significant if you use grains as groundbait. Important: Inexpensive canned corn can also be used as groundbait. However, these grains are usually very flabby and vary in size. Therefore, it is best to put on a hook of high-quality corn, for example, “Bonduelle”.

Specialty corn bought from a fisherman’s shop

Corn from branded companies that produce bait for carp fishing is sold in any fishing store, but this type of bait is more expensive than the one described above. The main advantage is that it is large and rigid in structure. Most often used for catching trophy fish. It is for this fishing that corn is intended. However, this is not the best option for small carp and carp.
Fishing for carp and carp for corn: installation of tackle, how to cook grains Large corn is good for catching trophy carp and carp [/ caption]

Fresh ears

It can be purchased on the cob during the summer. The main advantage when using is that you can give the required rigidity yourself, while any attractant is added to the grains during cooking. Cooking method:

  • corn is soaked in water one night;
  • then cook in the same liquid until fully cooked.

How much to cook – half an hour or more, will depend on the required hardness. Soft grains, as a rule, are used as bait, hard – for attachment to the hook. How to cook corn for carp and carp fishing, boiled and steamed:

How to make drunken corn for carp fishing

The so-called “drunken” corn is also used for catching carp. The main advantage of this bait:

  • does not saturate the carp;
  • strong aroma that attracts fish perfectly.

How to make drunk corn:

  • the grain is boiled for 60 minutes;
  • poured into a container by 1/3 of its volume;
  • water is added to the top;
  • yeast is poured (15 grams per 1 kg of corn);
  • sugar is added (4 tablespoons per 1 kg);
  • the container is hermetically sealed;
  • after the container is rearranged in a warm place for 2-3 weeks.

How to Ferment Drunk Corn for Carp Fishing:

How to plant corn when fishing for carp – different installations

There are several ways of attaching – directly to the hook or to a hair tackle.


In this case, 2-3 corn is usually simply put on the hook. This rig is most often chosen for catching small fish over short distances. Moreover, it is best that the grains are tough, in this case they will not subside. Used “drunk”, canned or boiled bait.
Fishing for carp and carp for corn: installation of tackle, how to cook grains Putting on the hook [/ caption] To put on the grains, you need to start the point and pierce the corn through. It is best to hook it to the top, here the bait is tougher. This is how up to 6 pieces of grains are planted. The tip must protrude slightly.

Hair tackle

In this case, in addition to the hook on the leash, there is an outlet from the cord – the hair. The bait clings to it and is located next to the hook. This installation of corn is best suited for catching large fish – carp, carp, large crucian carp. The required number of grains (usually 1-6) is put on the hair rig using a special needle. Then everything is secured with a stopper.
Fishing for carp and carp for corn: installation of tackle, how to cook grains

Fishing for carp with drunk strawberry corn – video from fishing:

Fishing tactics

There is no specific strategy. Fishing for corn is the same as for other baits. It is best to start feeding the intended area in 2-3 days. If this is not possible, then at first the starting complementary food is made and further supplementary feeding during fishing.

Attention: in the process of feeding, you must not forget that corn is quite high in calories. The flock will quickly become saturated with grains, therefore it is best to use a scattering in small quantities for feeding. The cooler the pond, the more relevant this tactic is.

When catching a trophy carp / carp / crucian carp, you can feed any amount of corn – a fish weighing 10 kg or more can eat as many grains as it is on the bottom, and it will not be full. Corn is the perfect bait and bait for summer fishing. Canned, “drunk” or fresh corn on the cob is actively used for fishing. It is put on either directly on the hook, or on a hair rig. Catching carp for corn video: The tactics of fishing are not very different from any ordinary fishing with other baits. The main secret lies in the choice of a specific nozzle and the use of the bait mixture.

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