The best bait for carp – recipes, attractants for cold and warm water

Карповая рыбалка

Going on
carp fishing , you must certainly prepare the top dressing, it is desirable to make the basis of the composition at home. At the same time, you can also buy bait at a fishing store, but it is better to make a do-it-yourself bait for carp at home.

If it was decided to buy a mixture, then it is recommended to purchase a composition from popular brands – in this case, the quality is guaranteed. Well, if the feed is made on your own, then you need to follow the advice of experienced anglers.

The best bait for carp - recipes, attractants for cold and warm water

Making carp bait with your own hands

If the bait is done independently, then you need to take into account a number of rules that allow you to prepare a mixture for catching trophy carp. Since this fish is rather big, in order to attract it, complementary foods should have large fractions, but such that the
carp can swallow them. For feeding, you can use peas,
corn , bran, potatoes. To enhance the taste, it is worth adding powdered milk or fishmeal to the feed, the latter is sold in fishing shops or is made on your own. It is very simple to make it, you just need to dry the caught fish and grind it on a coffee grinder.

Attention: Carp /
carp have an excellent sense of smell, therefore food for carp must certainly contain fried seeds, compound feed, cream, bran.

The best bait for carp - recipes, attractants for cold and warm waterPorridge for carp fishing should be odorous and viscous [/ caption] What can you feed carp in the pond:

  1. Grain compositions . This includes bran, hemp, porridge, corn . The latter must be used carefully, since such feeding sometimes gives the opposite effect – the fish simply will not swim up to the bait spot. In this case, hemp, on the contrary, can be added in unlimited quantities, since its grains contain many amino acids that are required by carp.The best bait for carp - recipes, attractants for cold and warm water
  2. Loose formulations . This category includes bread crumbs, bone meal, milk powder, and all kinds of additives sold in fishing shops. The baits have a small fraction and, after casting, form a cloudy cloud with a fragrant odor, to which the fish responds well.
  3. Animal feed . As a rule, maggots , bloodworms , worms are used. They can act as a standalone bait or be added to the bait mix.
  4. Pellets . They contain a lot of fats, and due to prolonged dissolution in water, the aroma lasts for a long time.The best bait for carp - recipes, attractants for cold and warm water
  5. Fruit mixes . Finely chopped or grated natural fruits are often used. Fruit trees are often found near the reservoir, and ripe berries fall into the water, being a natural food for carp.
  6. Nuts . Quite heavy food for carp, but if used in moderation and correctly, nuts get an unusual flavor, attracting fish.
  7. Boilies . Their composition may vary. Most often they add bone meal, starch, dry blood, dyes, attractants, cereals. Used as bait and bait. There are boiled, dusty, floating, sinking, cylinder-shaped, round. The best bait for carp - recipes, attractants for cold and warm waterAnimal bait for carp is a necessary component of bait [/ caption]

To catch fish efficiently, you can make your own carp bait. There are many recipes, but the following are proven in practice.

Groundbait No. 1 based on milk powder

To make a good groundbait for carp, you will need:

  • 1.2 kg semolina;
  • 0.4 kg of milk powder;
  • 0.5 kg of pelleted food for dogs or cats;
  • 0.3 kg of sugar;
  • 1.2 kg of bread crumbs;
  • 0.4 kg ground roasted peanuts;
  • 0.5 kg of ground oatmeal;
  • 0.4 kg of cake;
  • 2 kg of corn grits.

All components are mixed, infused for half an hour, so they are saturated with aroma from each other. When you arrive at the pond, you need to add water from the pond to the finished composition, mix well and let it stand for about 15 minutes.
The best bait for carp - recipes, attractants for cold and warm waterGroundbait balls [/ caption]

Bait No. 2 – porridge, like bait for carp

In equal quantities, you will need:

The components are filled with water, and porridge for carp is cooked. In this case, everything must be stirred regularly, otherwise it will burn. Then add sunflower oil, 3 tablespoons. honey, bread crumbs (1/4 part of the prepared mixture) and cake (1/7 part). Everything is infused for about half an hour. Cooking time for groundbait
The best bait for carp - recipes, attractants for cold and warm waterporridge for carp [/ caption]

Bait No. 3 based on cake

You need to mix:

  • 0.2 kg of cake;
  • ground cereals (about 3 kg);
  • 0.4 kg of pelleted food for cats or dogs;
  • 0.4 kg of milk powder;
  • chopped worms (1/10 part);
  • 10 sinking ground boilies;
  • 0.3 kg of steamed corn;
  • 4 tsp honey.

The cereals are boiled, after the remaining components are added, everything is mixed and infused for half an hour.

Bait No. 4 based on pearl barley

Carp feed can be made from the following components:

  • 0.4 kg of corn grits;
  • 0.4 kg of barley;
  • 0.3 kg of steamed corn;
  • 0.4 kg of bread crumbs;
  • 0.1 kg of grated fruit from a fruit tree that grows on the shore of the pond;
  • 4 tsp sunflower oil;
  • 4 tsp honey. The best bait for carp - recipes, attractants for cold and warm waterIt is advisable to soak the pearl barley before cooking – this will soften the porridge and remove unnecessary odors and elements that can harm the quality of fishing [/ caption]

The groats are boiled, honey and oil are added, and left to cool. Then the remaining components are poured in, everything is mixed well. It takes about half an hour to infuse.

Adding attractants – what smells do carp like in cold and warm water

Carp lures involve the use of attractants that can be bought at a fisherman’s shop. There are several varieties of them:

  1. Powder . These mixes are usually used for rolling boilies.
  2. Liquid . These are sprays, drops, and attractants, where the bait is dipped. The best bait for carp - recipes, attractants for cold and warm waterCarp baits must be flavored with smells [/ caption]

Liquid attractants are usually added to carp complementary foods. What smells do carp like in summer:

  • honey;
  • vanilla;
  • caramel;
  • Tutti Frutti;
  • Dill;
  • garlic;
  • hemp.

For cold water, it is recommended to choose scent attractants:

  • seashells;
  • crab;
  • shrimps.

Naturally, it is always worth adding attractants, but in winter they are used in smaller quantities. The very concentrated odor will just scare the fish away.

Effective, correct, hand-made groundbait for carp fishing – cooking video:

Features of using feed

The choice of bait recipe should be made on a case-by-case basis, and many factors can influence this.

The presence of a current

Carps most often choose bodies of water with no current. If it is present, it is worth making the bait spot closer to the place where the nozzle will be on the hook. At the same time, binders are added to the groundbait, for example, flour, and small balls are thrown into the water. This is required so that the bait breaks up at the bottom, and not when hitting the water. Before making a bait spot, you need to “stir up” the water, and then throw in the complementary foods. This is required to attract fish, since carp instinctively knows that in a place where it is cloudy, food can always be found.
The best bait for carp - recipes, attractants for cold and warm waterFeeding balls during the course can roll along the edge and this must be taken into account [/ caption]


The composition of the complementary food for carp fish will depend directly on the season. So, in winter, fish are more interested in protein baits, so it makes sense to make porridge with the addition of a worm, bloodworm, maggot and add a small amount of attractants.
The best bait for carp - recipes, attractants for cold and warm waterGroundbait and bait as bait [/ caption] If it was decided to go fishing for carp in the warm season, then it is advisable to slightly change the classic recipe and use more attractants. In summer and spring, fish activity increases, and therefore carp are more willing to approach the bait spot.

Some anglers point out one important point: if at the beginning of a thunderstorm, boiled potatoes are added to the feed, then the fish comes up much faster. Moreover, it makes sense to experiment with a nozzle – also plant a piece of potatoes. Do not forget that the potatoes need to be almost cooked so that they do not disintegrate when they are hooked onto the sting.

How much to add bait

Carp feeds constantly. In this case, there are no restrictions on the amount of groundbait to be thrown, the most important thing is to evenly feed the place that has been chosen. It is recommended to cook food in excess, it will be better than not enough – the carp should be as interested as possible.

Note: Remember that fish are usually found in pits at the bottom of rivers and ponds. To lure her out, you can add more attractants to the feed.

Bottom relief

If the bottom is heavily overgrown with aquatic vegetation, then in order to obtain a better result, in addition to pellets, bread crumbs, corn flakes and other “muddy” substances, it is advisable to add bran to the feed, they will lure carp from all water layers during the ascent process. It is also recommended to add more liquid attractants when preparing food for overgrown reservoirs – this will lure the carp that has hidden in the pits. Best Budget Bait for Carp:

Frequent mistakes of beginner carp anglers

For carp bait to work, it must be properly taught to the fish. The most common mistakes beginners make are as follows:

  1. A very large amount of attractant in carp groundbait in winter . The highly concentrated aroma will scare the fish away, since its activity is as low as possible at this time of the year.
  2. There is no component in the complementary food, which is in the composition of the bait . If corn, bloodworms, maggots or other baits were chosen for the bait, they must be in the feed without fail.
  3. No attention was paid to the flow . When feeding a fishing site in a river with a strong current, this fact must be taken into account. The feed must be in the immediate vicinity of the nozzle on the hook.
  4. One-time bait . The fish needs to be fed almost constantly. If it was noticed that the biting activity has decreased, you need to feed the carp more. This will make it possible to hold it in place.The best bait for carp - recipes, attractants for cold and warm water

Many professional anglers have their own recipe for preparing food. It can contain cereals (millet, pearl barley, semolina), steamed oats, beans, corn and other components. Also, fishermen often do not really bother and buy bait in stores. But all of them can be mixed with each other, creating your own secret recipe. The most important thing is that the bait and bait components are combined with each other. For this, for example, during fishing in the summer, a composition is selected that contains particles of a worm, bloodworms, which are used as bait. If boilies and pellets are used in fishing, they are also advised to add them to the groundbait to be mixed.

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