A great way to escape from everyday problems, take a break from work, and get peace of mind from nature is fishing. Only there, at the sight of the transparent depth of the reservoir, daily chores are forgotten. After purchasing everything necessary for fishing, many are wondering where to install the rods. The article lists many ways to attach and position fishing rods. It remains only to choose the most suitable one. The use of special stands for carp rods is especially important
, due to the fact that such blanks are very long and often heavy. Plus, carp fish are strong and can pull a rod carelessly thrown on the shore.
Carp rod stands – why are they needed
Rod stands are quite an important device for
carp fishing . Beginners in fishing for this fish do not understand why rod stands are needed. It would seem that you can make homemade structures using branches. However, fishing for carp requires long waiting times and the use of heavy and large rods. Holding them in your hands for a long time, on weight and in several pieces, is simply an impossible and unrealistic task. Hand-made spears have many disadvantages:
- at the time of their use, the angler will see the bite of the carp, when the rod starts to float away very quickly;
- it is difficult to install an indicator to alert the fish biting ;
- the loose element of the quivertip rod is quite biting, and in a free position it swings in different directions.
How to choose the best stands available on the market
What choice to make when purchasing rod stands? It can be a system with the ability to screw a piece to the rack, allowing you to install two or three rods. The second option is an appropriate design, calculated for a convenient location of all rods, but no more than five pieces. Each of these proposals has both pros and cons.
Rod stands
These structures, where the rod is installed, are convenient, because they are not difficult and not long to be fixed in coastal soil. For this, double crossbars are used, two fishing rods are placed in each of them. It is possible to install two rods on each double cross member. The cross members are fixed in the ground with single posts. Rod
- It is possible to set the fishing rods in pairs in the direction of casting . In this case, the line does not form corners with the rod, the tackle is more sensitive, and the fish bite becomes even more noticeable.
- Positioning them at an appropriate distance from each other helps to avoid fishing line snagging on adjacent rods when fighting fish.
- Compact packaging . Double crossbars, stands, other tackle can be conveniently placed in one bag.
The only disadvantages of racks are that they cannot be used in places where there are stones and boards.
Rod pods
The next design, which serves as a stand for carp rods, has a name: genus – under. It is a comfortable, stable, versatile attachment that is suitable for all surfaces and fishing conditions. The equipment looks like a special spatial structure. The rear, front and transverse struts are interconnected. The rod stand is designed for three or four carp rods, which can be used simultaneously. Racks of this type have the following advantages:
- Due to their versatility, they can be installed anywhere, even on a sandy beach and a canal bank made of concrete slabs.
- Allows you to see each signaling device and is conveniently placed on one stand. Anglers can keep an eye on their rods from the tents at any time of the day.
- It is several rods that together contribute to the successful fishing of fickle carp.
- Made from durable and lightweight materials, they are easy to take with you.
- parallel arrangement of all rods;
- possible hooks on adjacent lines;
- the minimum angle of the line and rod, which reduces the visibility of the fish biting and leads to untimely hooking.
The following types of rod stands are also popular among fishermen.
Butt holders
They have the image of primitive devices, the main part of which is a rigid wire. These poles hold the rod by the handle without changing the set position.
Single non-adjustable racks
These structures are also called one-piece structures, which do not adjust to secure the feeder or carp. They are characterized by high resistance to wind, hold the rod horizontally without changing this position. Anglers use two racks at a time. One is placed under the butt, the other under the top of the rod. Single racks allow you to place rods on the coast, leaving an appropriate distance between them. Fishing from different parts of the reservoir is much more convenient using these devices – thanks to the fishermen, they set the desired direction of casting.
Telescopic single posts
Telescopic or two-piece single stands are equally convenient to use, because they can be used to install fishing rods at a given height, as well as in an inclined position. When a strong wind starts, the rod’s whip is lowered with a telescopic stand, as low as possible to the reservoir. The devices are suitable for any soil, excluding concrete dams.
Buz bars
These posts are equipped with a crossbar, where holders and signaling devices can be attached in two or three places.
- compactness;
- low weight;
- installation on any type of soil, with the exception of concrete and wooden scaffolding;
- fastening in the appropriate direction;
- possible height adjustment.
Onboard stands
When fishing from a boat, side racks come up. On the waves it is quite difficult to put the rod, along with the quivertip, in the correct position. These stands help to correctly position the necessary devices, making a noticeable bite.
Rod – pods
These racks were mentioned in the article above. And their especially important advantage is the ability to mount on any surface, including wood and concrete. With these stands, anglers set several rods close together. This makes it easier for them to watch their gear.
Telescopic tripods
They are considered the most ideal option for feeder fishing. The devices are made of a comb or a corresponding feeder stand. Their advantages are in the following characteristics:
- adequate cost;
- possible attachment to any surface;
- simple installation;
- versatility, since various holders are used;
- sustainability;
- low weight;
- compact size;
- possible height adjustment.
Wooden pegs
This is the most famous type of coasters that even children know. It is a small spear, driven into the coast or into the bottom of the reservoir. In its hollow there is a nested feeder. The convenience of such self-made holders lies in their manufacture right at the place of fishing, using improvised materials.
DIY carp rod stand
Avoiding expensive fixtures or primitive wooden pegs, experienced anglers can build a carp or feeder rod rack themselves. Such a stand fully meets the needs of every angler. This is a high quality and cheap product. You can make it in different ways. The first option is to use a polypropylene pipe as the main element. Its diameter is 16 to 20 mm, its length is not more than 500 cm. If the pipe is heated to a soft state, it will bend at the required angle. Then leave in this position for a minute, in order to create the appropriate shape. A hole is made on the blank pipe with a drill, where a stick is inserted for fixing. The pipe is usually covered with insulating material. Sometimes anglers build supports from wire, the diameter of which is 3-4 mm. She is also given the necessary shape.
The best place for storing rod holders is considered to be special bags. It is convenient for anglers to put these devices there together with alarms and backs without unscrewing them. The racks can be easily removed into bags even when not disassembled, where they absolutely will not spoil their design and appearance. Every angler chooses a carp rod holder according to his preferences. Of course, buying ready-to-use devices is much easier and saves time. However, making them with your own hands is much more interesting and entertaining.