Fishing is an art that cannot be learned in one day. And
fishing with feeder tackle is a fascinating and very productive business. Hunting for trophy specimens is carried out remotely from the coast, long-distance casting is required, which requires the use of reliable tackle. A simple and effective feeder shock leader is used to minimize the loss of expensive feeder rigs and successfully retrieve a valuable specimen.
- What is a shock leader for a feeder for and what is it
- What is the installation used for?
- Application options
- Shock Leader for Feeder: How to Tie and Catch
- Top 5 Shock Leader Materials
- How thick should the shock leader be?
- How to connect the shock leader with the main fishing line – what knots to tie, step by step instructions
- How to tie a shock leader to a braid?
- How to choose a cord for a shock leader for a feeder, thickness and diameter, material of manufacture
- Braided shock leader
- Mono or transparent fluorocarbon
- Can you catch a leader without shock?
- Поделиться ссылкой:
What is a shock leader for a feeder for and what is it
The shock leader on the feeder is a piece of line / fluor / braid with an increased level of strength that can withstand loads. The optimal diameter and reliable fixation will not allow the rig to break off during a whip casting, as well as to break off the hook to the object of the catch, cushioning the jerks of the fish. The rig is successfully implemented and is used in a feeder,
classic spinning rod , and in
carp fishing . Having mastered the technique of mounting the shock leader, even a novice hobbyist can appreciate the benefits of rigging. The
What is the installation used for?
The use of a shock leader is relevant in the following situations:
- for the safety of fishing tackle during idle casting;
- so that the line does not break off during the trophy plant;
- in order to avoid damage to the integral braid while fishing in an area with a cluttered or rocky bottom;
- to provide protection to your fingers from a possible cut;
- to protect the thin part of the rig from breakage.
In these cases, the Shockleader will be the optimal solution for fishing with feeder tackle.
Application options
When fishing on a feeder, they use the following types of mounting a shock leader:
- Use as a thin braid with a standard diameter of 0.1-0.12 mm, followed by a fluor shock with a diameter of 0.19 – 0.22 mm. Effective for a river feeder on a calm current.
- The main cord is thin material, shock is 0.3mm thick mono line. An efficient way to fish in river conditions with a clean bottom.
- The use of a high-strength fluorocarbon shock is suitable in shallow shallow waters.
- On pickers, a braid is used as a shock spacer, provided that the leading line is small in diameter, and a bulky load is thrown.
Shock Leader for Feeder: How to Tie and Catch
Before you start figuring out how to tie the shock leader to the main line, prepare the necessary elements:
- high-quality fishing line;
- durable cord;
- fluorocarbon ;
- accessories.
When choosing a material for a future insert, take into account the parameters of the fishing line, purchase a high-quality inextensible monofilament material that can withstand external damage. While honing the skill of tying a shock leader to a braid, study the available types of knots: Light
knot carrot for a shock leader – a cone aimed with the tip to the fly of the rig. Twisting is used here, you need to practice to complete this knot. Carrotknot for shock leader popular mounting [/ caption] Knot
knot knot or double knot– universal in fishing, with the help of it they fix not only the hook, but also two lines with each other, or with a strong braid. Suitable for fixing lines of one or different diameters. The knot has increased strength and a simple tightening technique.
Albright , is also suitable for joining lines of different diameters. The strong knot has an oblong shape.Albright knot for shock leader – step by step scheme for mounting [/ caption] Shock leader for spinning:
how to tie and catch a simple carrot knot for shock leader:
- A loose knot is formed at the end of a strong fishing line, 2-3 cm is left.
- The main material is introduced into the resulting hole, the total length of the end is 20 cm.
- When joining the cords, where the main knot will be located, both lines are fixed with the left hand.
- The main strong fishing line is wound around a thick cord a couple of times in one direction, returning to the point of the knot, and the thread turns in the opposite direction.
- The remaining end of the leading line is inserted into the loop, pulling the knot.
Attention! This rig increases casting distance and comfort of use. At the time of throwing the fishing rod, make sure that the leader’s shock enters the reel, otherwise it will not work. It is optimal if at the same time uniform turns lie on a strong spool. These are the features of accurate casting, but, in general, all other actions when fishing are standard.
Top 5 Shock Leader Materials
The following materials can be used to equip the Shock Leader:
- strong monofilament with a maximum diameter of 0.3-0.5 mm;
- woven special material for shock leader;
- Fluorocarbon is an excellent base for a feeder shock leader. The soft, transparent cord has minimal stretch.
For the purpose of casting over long distances, there is a shock leader formed on the basis of a thickened braided cord. Fishing tackle on the basis of a braided cord is used for catching at a distance of 100 meters. Installation based on fluorocarbon perfectly sinks and is invisible, suitable for capturing cautious trophies in a transparent reservoir. As for the materials for creating a shockleader, the following materials have shown good results in practice:
- Team Salmo TOURNAMENT – based on high quality Japanese nylon. Due to its transparency and increased abrasion resistance, the rig shows itself well in fishing on a rocky hard bottom, this installation helps to avoid trimming the tackle.
- Trabucco TF XPS Feeder Plus is suitable not only for creating a “shock”, but also as a base material. It has increased strength, due to which it can withstand 2-3 fishing trips, on a special account for many amateurs.
- Colmic Method line Feeder is a classic material aimed at catching cautious carp and other strong fish. Excellent knot holding, available in 250 m unwinding. One such reel will satisfy the needs of a full season fisherman.
- OWNER BROAD is a highly durable material favored by many fishermen. It is distinguished by good abrasive properties, invisibility, which was achieved due to its strength and transparency.
- Salmo Specialist FEEDER – affordable and high quality line. Sufficiently slippery, resistant, moderately hard material, the only drawback of the material is the dropping of loops. As advantages, it is worth noting the increased load and strength of the knot fixation, which becomes especially important when using a thin fishing braid as the main one.
These are the most popular materials that hobbyists use to create a lasting shock. How long should the shock leader be for carp fishing and answers to other important questions:
How thick should the shock leader be?
Comfortable shock diameter from 0.28 to 0.35 mm, this parameter varies depending on the external conditions of fishing.
How to connect the shock leader with the main fishing line – what knots to tie, step by step instructions
Each fisherman can easily master the technique of how to tie a shock leader by following step-by-step actions:
- A small loop is made at the end.
- A reliable shock leader is fixed behind it with a simple clinch.
- Before checking the tightening of the knot, do not forget to moisten the line to avoid injury.
How to tie a shock leader to a braid?
An experienced angler knows in practice how to tie a shock leader to a braid. Any newbie will repeat this by following the simple instructions for creating a node
- Perform 5 even turns around the end of the line.
- Pass the free end between the lines at the base.
- Throw the other end of the line.
- Thread through the loop formed at the base.
- Perform 5 turns a second time.
- Thread through the hole from the fishing line at the base.
- Moisten and tighten the knot.
- Trim excess ends.
How to choose a cord for a shock leader for a feeder, thickness and diameter, material of manufacture
When choosing the material and thickness for the feeder shock leader, the following parameters are taken into account:
- fishing distance;
- river bottom relief;
- specific weight of the equipment.
Based on these parameters, the optimal type of installation is selected.
Braided shock leader
This tackle is often used for feeder fishing. Experienced fishermen choose a dense braid shock for its reliability. It is suitable for long distance casting.
Mono or transparent fluorocarbon
This transparent base is suitable for fishing in shallow waters. The shock leader based on fluorocarbon sinks perfectly, has anti-abrasive properties, and holds knots perfectly.Monoleska for mounting shock leader [/ caption]
Can you catch a leader without shock?
Fishing is possible without such convenient installation as shock. Experienced anglers have appreciated and used this important piece of equipment everywhere. It makes it possible to reduce the diameter of the base material, reduce water resistance. With the help of it, you can easily fish on heavy feeders, being at a distance from the coast. With this installation, the feeder can be caught on the edge with a rocky bottom. The use of a shockleader increases the chances of catching and hatching a large trophy, simplifies the process of fishing away from the coast.