You can talk a lot about the fact that the main thing in fishing is not the result, but the process. Of course, fishing has a positive effect on the physical and mental state of the angler, but the catch is also important, because it shows the level of skill, ingenuity and the ability of the angler to adapt to specific fishing conditions. When the fish completely refuses to bite, bite activators come to the rescue, one of which is FishHungry.
- The history of the appearance of the FishHangry bite activator
- The composition of the FishHungry biting activator
- The principle of operation of the FishHungry biting activator
- How to use the bite activator correctly
- Advantages and disadvantages of FishHangry bite activator
- Where to buy FishHangry bite activator
- Anglers’ reviews about FishHangry bite activator
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The history of the appearance of the FishHangry bite activator
In Italy, there is an Aquaculture Center, which, among other things, is developing chemically active substances that affect the behavior of fish, in particular, their appetite. In 2011, Dr. E. Moore and his colleagues synthesized a fundamentally new product – a substance that acts in the same way as pheromones. Natural pheromones have been known for a long time. They play a key role in the reproduction process of many animals, helping individuals of different sexes find each other. But, as it turned out, they can also affect the feeding behavior, in this case, fish. Artificial Italian pheromones increase the appetite of fish so much that, according to their creators, they can force predatory fish to eat plant foods. This is especially true for fish farms, but in recreational fishing they have shown their effectiveness.
The composition of the FishHungry biting activator
Pheromones in nature are secreted by animals in microscopic quantities. For example, a person can never smell this substance, but his receptors perceive it, creating a mutual attraction between men and women. FishHangri bite activator contains the following components:
- microdoses of artificial pheromones;
- feed additives;
- fragrances made from natural essential oils.
The principle of operation of the FishHungry biting activator
According to the manufacturers, the bite activator causes a brutal appetite even in well-fed fish. FishHungry translates as “hungry fish”. Since the attractant spreads over a fairly large area, in search of food, fish huddle in flocks, losing all caution. It is known that larger individuals have an advantage in the competition for food resources, so the average size of the fish caught, to the pleasure of the angler, increases.
How to use the bite activator correctly
This product is positioned as a universal tool for attracting any fish, both peaceful and predatory, in any water bodies, throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions. You can use the bite activator in several ways:
- apply it to artificial baits for catching predatory fish. In principle, a positive effect is achieved when using any bait on which an attractant is applied, but the best results are noted when baits that absorb it to one degree or another, that is, silicone and foam rubber fish, are used in combination with the active substance;
- apply the activator to natural baits of animal origin: worms, maggots, bloodworm larvae;
- introduce an attractant into the composition of vegetable baits: dough , semolina, rolls;
- add an activator to the bait.
Important! Bait is recommended to be prepared on the water from the reservoir in which to fish. The same applies to baits that are dipped in water with the addition of FishHungry.
Advantages and disadvantages of FishHangry bite activator
Among the advantages of this bite activator, the following should be mentioned:
- Versatility . With it, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of catching a wide variety of fish species;
- Environmental friendliness . Since the product is made from natural ingredients, it cannot harm either nature or the fisherman;
- Ease of use ;
- Profitability . 5 mg of the substance is enough for one full-fledged fishing.
The disadvantages of FishHungry bite activator are as follows:
- in the cold, the attractant freezes quickly , so it is better to prepare bait for winter fishing at home, and for use as an element applied to baits, it is better to store it in a warm place, for example, in the inside pocket of a winter jacket;
- inability to purchase the product in fishing shops ;
- high probability of purchasing a counterfeit product .
Attention! Due to the popularity of the FishHangry bite activator, they began to fake it almost immediately. You should purchase the product from sellers with an unquestionably clean reputation.
Where to buy FishHangry bite activator
Buy this product in online stores. The cost of a package of five 5-milligram sachets ranges from 900 to 1700 rubles. In Minsk, the bite activator can be bought at a price of 19 to 65 Belarusian rubles. Healthy! The easiest way to distinguish an original product from a counterfeit one is by the packaging. This bite activator has a bright green plastic packaging. The white inscription FishHungry stands out on a red background. All inscriptions are exclusively in English. The expiration date must be indicated on the packaging. You should not buy an expired product, as it may not be effective.
Anglers’ reviews about FishHangry bite activator
As usual, disputes arise around any product that is positioned as innovative and is sold only in online stores. So there is still no consensus about the FishHungry bite activator – is it a scam or not. On one review site, the reviews are either positive or cautious – it seems to work, but it is not yet clear. On the other, more enthusiastic and unambiguous. One thing is clear – it’s worth a try, the price does not bite at all, and the promised effect is worth the
risk .
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