Every year, anglers are preparing more and more carefully for the upcoming fishing trip. The time when it was enough to take a fishing rod and dig up worms in order to catch prey is in the past. Today, everyone dreams not just
of catching a couple of crucian carp for dinner, but of becoming the owner of a trophy that you can show off to your friends. To fulfill your dream, in addition to tackle, bait and bait, you should take a bite activator with you. Such an additive will be the key to successful fishing.
- What bite activators are used for fishing
- Fish Hunt – increase your catch three times without making unnecessary moves and without extra spending
- Fish Hungry – bite activator with proven catchability
- Fish Hungry – winter bite activator, you should prepare for winter in advance
- What to look for when choosing a bite activator
- TOP-10 bite activators for peaceful fish
- 10 Fish Hungry
- 9. Fish Hunt Supplement
- 8. Fish XXL Spray Activator
- 7. Double Fish
- 6. Qiutian
- 5. Lucky Fishing
- 4. MegaMix
- 3. Monster Fish
- 2. Ultrabite
- 1. Dynamite Effect
- TOP-10 bite activators for catching pike and other predators
- 10. Dry Blooder – bite activator for a predator
- 9. Fish drive
- 8. Predator – activator for predatory fish
- 7. Dragon Aroma
- 6. Saturn Liquid Bloodworm
- 5. Active Strawberry Ade
- 4. Attractant Berkley Gulp Power Bait
- 3. Pro-Cure Super Gel
- 2. Minenko Liquid Booster Big Fish
- TOP-5 stimulants for cold water (autumn-winter)
- TOP 5 fish attractants for use in salt water conditions
- How to make a bite activator at home with your own hands
- For peaceful fish
- For predatory fish
- Поделиться ссылкой:
What bite activators are used for fishing
Special means – stimulants that increase bites on fishing and lure fish to the place of fishing, are called bite activators. Manufacturers produce supplements in the form of:
- liquids;
- spray;
- cream;
- tablets;
- solid substance.
After scientists discovered the ability of fish to capture the nutrient substance dissolved in water, people began to make bite activators. Thanks to a well-chosen additive, fishermen can not be left without a catch even on the worst day. The bite activator attracts aquatic inhabitants from a long distance to the place of fishing and allows you to keep the fish in one place for a long time. Flavor enhancers cause a strong feeling of hunger in aquatic vertebrates. The composition of the supplement should contain flavors and attractants, which can be both synthetic and natural. As a rule, manufacturers using synthetic components produce a means to lure fish to the place of fishing, in the form of a thick liquid or powder. Also on sale are aerosols that can be sprayed on the bait. Depending on the composition of the activator, its range will change. Most often, the nutrient substance spreads the aroma at a distance of 80-100 meters. Biting activators that really work can be bought right now:
Fish Hunt – increase your catch three times without making unnecessary moves and without extra spending
Fish Hungry – bite activator with proven catchability
Fish Hungry – winter bite activator, you should prepare for winter in advance
What to look for when choosing a bite activator
To date, a wide range of bite activators is presented in stores and online sites. When choosing a means to increase bites, you should pay attention to:
- Seasonality of use . It is best to give preference to all-season options.
- Thrift . Activators with a long shelf life go on sale. Thanks to this, the angler will be able to use the tool for a long period. The most important thing is to store the supplement correctly.
- Security . The composition should not contain harmful components that can harm the inhabitants of the reservoir.
It is also important to read the information on the packaging regarding the water in which the product can be used. If the additive is intended for catching fish in stagnant water, you need to distribute it in the area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir in which fishing is planned. Biting activators intended for fishing on the current must be cast a little higher from the zone chosen for catching.
TOP-10 bite activators for peaceful fish
To attract the attention of peaceful fish, you can use one of the activators suggested below. The top 10 includes supplements that contain natural ingredients.
10 Fish Hungry
Fish Hangry is one of the most popular bite activators today. Properly selected components that make up the product cause the underwater inhabitants to feel hungry. The fish lose their vigilance and pounce on the food additive. To catch peaceful fish, one bag of solution will need to be combined with 2500 grams of bait. Fish Hungry contains pheromones, a universal bait that attracts the attention of peaceful and predatory fish, as well as a small amount of essential oils.
- attracting different types of fish to the place of fishing;
- economical solution consumption;
- natural composition that does not harm the inhabitants of the reservoir;
- attracting to the place of fishing not only small fish, but also trophy specimens.
The disadvantage of this activator is the impossibility of buying an additive in a fishing store. To purchase a product, you need to go to a specialized online store. You can order Fish Hungry for 990 rubles by clicking on the link http://buy-fish-hungry.ru. The truth about the Fishhungry bite activator: https://youtu.be/adrR-rML8U8
9. Fish Hunt Supplement
Leading Italian specialists were involved in the development of the Fish Hunt additive. Thanks to their painstaking work in the laboratory, it was possible to obtain a product whose composition and properties are identical to the natural pheromones of the inhabitants of the reservoir. The bait effectively affects not only the metabolic process, but also the physiology of the fish. After the composition enters the reservoir, its components reach the sense organs of the fish and provoke a feeling of extreme hunger. In the manufacturing process of the activator, manufacturers use:
- albumins (dry pork and beef blood);
- a small amount of synthesized pheromones and hemp oil;
- medicinal galega (Virginsky goat’s rue).
When using Fish Hunt, a huge amount of fish is collected in the place of fishing. Aquatic inhabitants are ready to take any bait. Among the main advantages of Fish Hunt, it is worth highlighting:
- economy (1 package can be used for 5 fishing trips);
- the additive attracts the attention of fish located at a distance of 100 meters from the place of fishing;
- the ability to use Fish Hunt to attract the attention of peaceful and predatory fish;
- the ability to awaken a feeling of hunger even in well-fed aquatic inhabitants.
The only drawback of this activator is the difficulty of acquiring funds. Due to the low cost, Fish Hunt is quickly sold out. To purchase an additive, you must follow the link https://tiu.ru/p350840606-aktivator-kleva-fish.html?&primelead=Mg and place an order. The price of Fish Hunt is 149 rubles.
8. Fish XXL Spray Activator
This activator goes on sale in the form of a spray. It can be used at any time of the year for fishing in cold and dark water. The active components of the spray affect the sense of smell of aquatic life. When a substance enters the mucous membrane of the fish, irritation of its nerve endings occurs. This stimulates the aquatic vertebrate to take a bite and hold onto the sprayed compound.
- hemp oil, which attracts the attention of peaceful fish;
- elephant garlic, which is excellent for pike, pike perch and bream;
- squid protein, which catfish and rotan will like;
- kaffir lime (the citrus component will appeal to carp and roach).
The advantages of a universal activator include the possibility of using the spray at any time of the year, high efficiency, confirmed by the reviews of professional anglers. There are no disadvantages. In order to purchase Fish XXL, you will need to follow the link and place an order https://de-fishxxl.shoping-deals.com/?utm_source=ad1&cid=1012_2204250007&utm_medium=1012_288126&utm_campaign=2329886. The cost of the spray is 4340 rubles.
7. Double Fish
This activator can be used to attract fish in any pond. The composition of the product includes an attractant with a special mixture, which processes the bait. Double Fish shows high efficiency, both in salt water and in fresh water. The advantages of the Double Fish tool, which lures fish, is the possibility of using it in any reservoir at different times of the year, causing a feeling of hunger even in well-fed fish due to the presence of pheromones in the composition. The only negative is the long time it takes to prepare the kit before use. You can buy an activator by clicking on the link https://goodbay.md/p10406384-double-fish-aktivator.html The cost of Double Fish reaches 1740 rubles per package.
6. Qiutian
As part of the Chinese activator, there are air bubbles. Qiutian goes on sale in the form of tablets, painted in a white palette. The tool can be used in the warm season for catching predatory and peaceful fish. A long period of exposure, natural ingredients present in the composition are considered significant advantages. The main disadvantage is the impossibility of using Qiutian for winter fishing. To date, Qiutian is not on sale, so you should look at specialized forums.
5. Lucky Fishing
Lucky Fishing contains natural ingredients. Chopped
bloodworms and
maggots attract the attention of fish, because they are their usual food. The activator is absolutely safe and does not harm the pond. Significant advantages of Lucky Fishing are:
- the possibility of adding the composition to the bait mixture;
- excitation of appetite even in well-fed fish;
- high efficiency of the product when fishing peaceful and predatory fish.
Unfortunately, the activator cannot be used for sea fishing. The cost of the activator reaches 490-500 rubles. To purchase, you need to follow the link https://tiu.ru/p354533188-lucky-fisher-laki.html.
4. MegaMix
In the manufacture of the Mega Mix activator, the manufacturer uses biologically active substances of natural origin, as well as dill, a small amount of anise. MegaMix can be used when catching predatory and peaceful fish species. The main advantage of the additive is the possibility of use in various water bodies, ecological composition, affordable price. When fishing in salt water, the product shows a lower efficiency. This is what the cons are. The activator can be purchased for 493 rubles by clicking on the link https://tiu.ru/p295742193-mega-mix-moschnyj.html.
3. Monster Fish
The most effective means for luring fish operates within a radius of 500 meters from the place where the granules are sprayed. Monster Fish is sold in the form of granules that slowly dissolve in water, spreading a lasting aroma. The release of bubbles from the capsules attracts the attention of the fish. Experts consider the main advantage of Monster Fish to be high efficiency, as well as:
- presence in the composition of lemon balm;
- attraction of large fish to the place of fishing;
- the possibility of using the activator at any time of the year.
A large number of fakes on the market is the main disadvantage of Monster Fish. You can buy the tool for 999 rubles by clicking on the link https://manlike.top/monster-fish/.
2. Ultrabite
Ultrabite is a versatile supplement that contains pheromones that attract different types of fish. The activator is applied to the bait or mixed with the bait mixture. Economical consumption, high efficiency and environmentally friendly composition should be attributed to the advantages of Ultrabite. The disadvantage of the activator is that it cannot be used for winter fishing. Ultrabyte can be purchased for 380 rubles by clicking on the link https://rybalka.com/som76/blog/view/market_item_5259/.
1. Dynamite Effect
In the manufacture of Dynamite Effect, the manufacturer does not use artificial flavors. To give the powdered additive a pleasant aroma, the composition includes natural esters and extracts of various plants, as well as vanillin, fishmeal, breading. The advantage of Dynamite Effect is the natural composition, the possibility of using the activator on reservoirs with running and standing water, high efficiency. However, the product should not be used for fishing in salt water. This is the main disadvantage. The tool can be purchased for 1900 rubles by clicking on the link https://tiu.ru/p408815902-aktivator-kleva-dynamite.html. During the promotion, the price drops to 990 rubles.
TOP-10 bite activators for catching pike and other predators
Hunting for predatory fish species is exciting. However, it is very difficult to make them lose their vigilance and come closer to the shore. To cope with this task, it is worth using the bite activator. The components included in the composition will awaken the appetite of aquatic inhabitants and lure them to the place of fishing.
10. Dry Blooder – bite activator for a predator
In the process of making the supplement, manufacturers use dry blood (albumin) and synthesized pheromones. The latter cause aquatic inhabitants a feeling of uncontrollable hunger. The predator goes to the place where the pheromone got into the water and pounces on the first bait that comes across. The main advantages of Dry Blooder are:
- the possibility of mixing the additive with bait;
- high efficiency;
- pleasant smell emanating from the product;
- the possibility of using the composition for hunting a predator in rivers or lakes;
- application at any time of the year.
The disadvantages of Dry Blooder include the lack of reaction to this activator of peaceful fish species. The price of the product without promotion is too high. In some online stores, it can reach 1900 rubles. In order to purchase Dry Blooder, you can follow the link https://tiu.ru/p436487555-aktivator-kleva-suhaya.html?&primelead=MS41MQ. The cost of the supplement during the promotion is 970 rubles.
9. Fish drive
In the manufacturing process of the popular activator, maral blood is used, which attracts the attention of predators, as well as an unmodified plant extract. Fish Drive attracts not only predatory, but also peaceful fish to the place of fishing. The product is sold in the form of a powder. The benefits of Fish Drive include:
- economy;
- high efficiency;
- luring any kind of fish;
- no effect of changing weather conditions on the effectiveness of the powder.
The disadvantage of Fish Drive is the high cost. You can buy goods in the online store https://vip-fishdrive.shoping-deals.com/iframe?utm_source=ad1&cid=1012_2205505689&utm_medium=1012_524642&utm_campaign=1770340 for 1080 rubles.
8. Predator – activator for predatory fish
In the manufacturing process of the Predator, manufacturers use:
- white fish;
- salmon
- worms;
- bloodworm;
- crayfish and sea cocktail.
The main advantages of this activator are considered to be an environmentally friendly composition of the product, attracting different types of fish to the place of fishing, the ability to use at any time of the year, and the active retention of fish in the area of action of the composition. The disadvantage is the inability to use the Predator when fishing in salt water. The cost of the activator reaches 120-150 rubles.
7. Dragon Aroma
Dragon AROMA is an effective predator lure available in powder form. The mineral components that make up the supplement awaken the appetite even in well-fed fish. In the manufacturing process, the manufacturer uses exclusively natural substances in combination with biologically active components. Among the significant advantages of Dragon AROMA, it is worth highlighting:
- the possibility of its use at any time of the year;
- acceleration of metabolism in a predator;
- easy absorption;
- high efficiency.
The disadvantage of the tool is the lack of a long-term effect when fishing in a pond with a strong current. Dragon AROMA can be purchased for 240 rubles by clicking on the link https://ukostra.ua/catalog/rybolovnye_snasti/prikormka_boyly/atraktanty_dobavki_aromatizatory/attraktant_dragon_spezi_plotva/.
6. Saturn Liquid Bloodworm
The manufacturer included an extract from natural bloodworm, natural flavors and a dye in the composition of the supplement. Saturn Liquid bloodworm comes in a package with a dispenser. The supplement can be used at different times of the year, which is one of the advantages of Liquid bloodworm. Also, anglers note such advantages as economical consumption and the ability to choose the most suitable flavor of the product (chocolate, hemp and anise). Saturn Liquid bloodworm must be mixed with bait, it is not recommended to use it without it, which is a significant drawback. The tool can be bought for 200 rubles by clicking on the link https://pro-ribku.ru/goods/Aktivator-kleva-SATURN-zhidkij-motyl-vanil#show_tab_2.
5. Active Strawberry Ade
This activator goes on sale in the form of a viscous syrup, which includes amino acids and substances that enhance the taste. The components are absolutely safe. Economic consumption, bright strawberry flavor and high efficiency can be attributed to the advantages of Active Strawberry Ade. The main disadvantage of the additive is the impossibility of attracting fish from long distances. The cost of Active Strawberry Ade is 400 rubles.
4. Attractant Berkley Gulp Power Bait
The universal additive can be used not only for artificial bait, but also for natural bait. The composition of the attractant includes a large number of natural components. After the additive enters the water, the aroma spreads to a distance of 50-100 m from the fishing zone and attracts predators. Berkley Gulp Power Bait is designed to treat the surface of a wobbler/bait/silicone lure. A wide range of attractant allows each angler to choose the most suitable taste that will attract the attention of the inhabitants of the reservoir. Among the main advantages of the Berkley Gulp Power Bait, it is worth highlighting:
- high efficiency;
- awakening appetite even in well-fed fish;
- acceptable cost;
- economical consumption.
The disadvantage is the difficulties that arise when buying a product. Often the Berkley Gulp Power Bait is out of stock, so fishermen have to pay for expensive analogues. This attractant can be purchased for 360 rubles by placing an order in the online store https://fish-fish.com.ua/product/17881-attraktant-berkley-gulp-power-bait-bass/.
3. Pro-Cure Super Gel
Attractant Pro-Cure Super Gel is able to attract fish that are at a distance of 50-100 meters from the point of catching. The composition of the super gel contains amino acids with a sticky base, which prolongs the retention time of the product on the lure/lure/hook. Pro-Cure Super Gel is different:
- high efficiency;
- the ability to attract fish from a long distance;
- acceptable cost.
Anglers did not find any shortcomings in the process of use.
2. Minenko Liquid Booster Big Fish
Minenko Liquid Booster Big Fish is a thick, viscous mixture that lures fish at a distance of 50 meters from the fishing spot. The composition of the attractant contains flavors and food additives. The bite activator can be used at any time of the year. The main advantages of Minenko Liquid Booster Big Fish include:
- loyal value;
- high efficiency;
- distribution of aromas over a long distance.
The only negative is the small volume of the bottle. You can buy the supplement for 261 rubles in the online store https://coolcarp.ru/pitanie/aktivator-kleva-minenko-liquid-booster-big-fish-125-ml.
The composition of this attractant includes natural ingredients that attract the attention of a predator. The aroma spreads over a distance of 50-80 meters, which allows you to lure the fish to the place of fishing. The advantages of MARTIN SB SUPER SMOG Hot are: high efficiency, pleasant smell, which is a predator, economical consumption. The tool is quite expensive (1175 rubles), which is the main disadvantage. When used in salt water, anglers note a decrease in the effectiveness of the MARTIN SB SUPER SMOG Hot. You can buy the supplement in the online store https://carpsklad.com/product/aktivator-kleva-martin-sb-super-smog-hot-250ml.
TOP-5 stimulants for cold water (autumn-winter)
Going fishing in autumn or winter, you should take attractants with you, which have a pronounced aroma. This will attract the attention of the fish and force them to approach the bait. The top 5 best activators for cold water fishing include:
- Fish XXL;
- monster fish;
- Berkley Gulp Power Bait;
- Dryblooder.
You can also use self-prepared attractants, which include garlic / vanilla / strawberry juice / coriander, etc.
TOP 5 fish attractants for use in salt water conditions
Below you can see the most effective attractants and stimulants that anglers can use to fish in salt water. The top 5 included the following supplements:
- Megamix;
- Double Fish;
- Fish Hunt;
- Monster Fish
The listed activators are universal, so they can be used to lure fish, both in fresh and salt water.
How to make a bite activator at home with your own hands
After spending a little time and making an effort, you can make a bite activator yourself, saving the family budget. Below you can find the most effective recipes for additives that can attract the attention of fish to the place of fishing.
For peaceful fish
To prepare the nutrient substance, the angler must purchase:
- vanillin – 1 gram;
- honey (you will need 1 tsp);
- a few leaves of lemon balm;
- 2 cloves of garlic.
Melissa must be crushed and combined with other ingredients. The components are thoroughly mixed and added to 1000 grams of bait mixture.
For predatory fish
Starting the preparation of this food supplement, it is worth chopping 100 g of red worm and 50 g of fresh dill. The aroma of greenery, as a rule, attracts the attention of a predator. Perch’s favorite bait is the red worm. It can also serve as a bite activator for this fish. It is used in combination with dill. The aroma of this plant also attracts the attention of perch. The resulting composition is mixed and combined with 500 grams of bait mixture.