When fishing, many different types of
baits and baits are used , but the dung worm is one of the most common. Some anglers consider it a versatile lure. A
- What kind of worm is this and where does it live
- Application for fishing, as a bait and bait
- How to get dung beetles – where to look, how to find, get and prepare for fishing
- How to store a worm
- How to separate the living from the dead
- How to breed dung worms, where, in what substrate, what to feed
- How to store a worm while fishing
- How to plant and catch
- How to improve the “deliciousness” of a dung worm
- How to use as a groundbait
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What kind of worm is this and where does it live
In appearance, dung beetles are very similar to ordinary earthworms. In most cases, they are slightly longer. Unlike earthworms, dung emit a specific smell when placed on a hook. At the same time, a little yellowish liquid is released. Usually, dung worms can be found in the manure or among moist, caked leaves. Such worms are red-yellow or red-brown in color with small light stripes. He moves quickly. Dung worms live in colonies. To
Application for fishing, as a bait and bait
When placed on a hook, the dung worm emits a characteristic odor that is very attractive to fish. This bait is especially adored by peaceful species of fish, including
crucian carp ,
roach ,
bream . But the perch with the pike does not refuse either. The worm is very mobile. Therefore, it is difficult to plant it neatly. However, this mobility is very attractive to fish. Particularly effective is a nozzle in the form of a bundle of worms, which is able to maintain mobility for a long time.
How to get dung beetles – where to look, how to find, get and prepare for fishing
The dung worm avoids very dry or too humid places. It can often be found in abandoned greenhouses, compost pits, and dung heaps. Such worms like places where there are plant remains or stale leaves. It is convenient to collect them with a pitchfork. In this case, the risk of damage is reduced. You can also use the following method to find the worm. A hole is made in the ground and a piece of manure or some stale leaves is placed in it. This place is moistened and covered with a sheet of cardboard. In a few days dung worms will appear here. Once the worm is harvested, it needs to be stored properly. Closed cans or boxes are suitable for him. They need to be lined inside. For this, moss or a mixture of clay and cake are suitable. To preserve their mobility as long as possible, beets or tea leaves are added to the jar.This method is intended for short-term storage, but not suitable for long-term storage.
Only mobile individuals are suitable for fishing. Those that are not viable will not be able to attract fish effectively.
How to store a worm
So that the worms are always at hand, they prepare earth mixed with a small amount of moss and sand. An additional layer of moss is lined on it. Worms are laid out on it. Over time, some of it will creep into the depths. For storage, you can use plastic or glass containers.
How to separate the living from the dead
To select the most active worms, a container with a mixture of soil, sand and manure is prepared for them. Lay out a uniform layer of moss on top. Manure worms are poured onto it. We need to wait until they crawl into the depths. Those that remain at the top are dormant. They need to be removed.
How to breed dung worms, where, in what substrate, what to feed
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to dig up a worm. This, for example, is difficult to do in hot weather or for winter fishing. To always be able to use a dung worm, it is convenient to grow it yourself. If you organize their breeding correctly, then growing worms will not violate the cleanliness of the house. To do this, you need to use a suitable box. It can be made of wood or plastic. A cardboard box can also be used. If you plan to grow worms all the time, the one that is made of plastic is better suited.
It is not recommended to use metal containers, this is due to the fact that this material will enter into a chemical reaction with the soil that will be in it.
- The height should be approximately equal to 30 cm;
- The area is selected based on the number of worms. To grow a thousand adults, 1 square meter will be required. square meter.
It is necessary to make small holes in the bottom for drainage, in the side walls for ventilation. They need to be spaced evenly. The more holes you make, the better. Their diameter should be so small that the worms would not be able to crawl through it. The box is placed on a pallet with sand. This will absorb excess moisture to ensure cleanliness.After preparing the box with the substrate, worms are populated into it. You need to give them time to hide in the ground. When feeding, it must be borne in mind that under natural conditions, rotten plant remains serve as food. When grown at home, they can be given kitchen waste, hay, or fallen leaves. Fruit or vegetable peels work well. It is undesirable to feed potatoes. Coffee or tea grounds, leftover cereals without milk are also suitable. Potato peelings are not recommended for this purpose. Also, salty waste should not be given. Using leftover fish or meat will result in an unpleasant odor. Worms prefer to eat whatever food they are accustomed to. If you have to change it, then this should be done gradually. The food must be distributed evenly over the entire surface of the layer box, which is approximately 5 cm thick.From above it can be covered with a sheet of cardboard. After the feed has been processed, it is refilled again. What to feed the worms for fast growth: https://youtu.be/l9fmh3pEo8M For the worms, you need to provide suitable moisture. This requires regular watering. For this purpose, the water must be defended for at least three days. It should be at room temperature. Worms feel comfortable at a temperature of 18-24 degrees. The box should be placed in a dark place away from heating appliances. In two months, the number of worms will double. In some cases, the growth can become much larger. Before settling them, stop feeding. After that, the worms are selected to the surface, from where it will be more convenient to collect them. Breeding manure worms at home – video training on how to choose,breed and keep worms in an apartment / private house: https://youtu.be/4yPIQ_1EY1Q
How to store a worm while fishing
The dung worm must be brought to the fishing trip and stored throughout the fishing period. For this, it is customary to use a sealed metal can with a large number of narrow holes. Damp earth mixed with humus is poured here and a little tea leaves are added to it. Sometimes cake mixed with clay is added.
How to plant and catch
When fishing for small fish, the worm is placed on the hook completely. In this case, the sting must be completely closed. This condition is not necessary for large fish. The following methods can be used:
- When pierced along the hook, it runs inside the worm.
- It can be cut into several pieces and put them sequentially.
- When using a loop, the arthropod is pierced across in several places so that it hangs from the hook.
- If you pierce the worm so that both holes are near, then it will wriggle, attracting the fish with its movements.
- If a hook with multiple stings is used, that it can be fitted onto the shank.
- You can place the worm along the hook so that it goes a few millimeters into the line.
How to improve the “deliciousness” of a dung worm
Dung worms attract fish with their specific smell and mobility. The effect can be enhanced by planting them in beams. Such a nozzle can be used to form a sandwich. It goes well with grains
of corn , wheat,
maggots ,
a crank and a few other varieties of lures.
How to use as a groundbait
When using dung beetle as groundbait, it should be borne in mind that the worm is too large for many fish and easily crawls away from the bait place. To prevent this from happening, it must first be cut into pieces. This is done just before casting the groundbait. A lot of juice will be released during grinding. It does not need to be removed as it is capable of attracting fish. However, if it can overmoisten the bait mixture, then the cuttings of the worms are placed on a cloth before adding and squeezed slightly. You can feed it in a mixture with soil, but it is most effective to use a worm in a mixture with maggot, caster or bloodworm. For stagnant water, light chernozem with gray clay or bentonite can be used as soil (in the proportion of 2 kg of soil to 400 grams of clay). When fishing on the river, it is more convenient to use clean clay for this.