Pangasius (scientific. Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) is an interesting freshwater fish, which most of us saw only in the form of fillets, due to the fact that in nature it lives in Asian waters. In some countries, fish are bred for commercial purposes and are included in the menu of exotic restaurants. Pangasius fillet has an excellent taste and contains many useful substances.
- Pangasius – what kind of fish and what is its “secret”?
- Shark catfish species
- The difference between pangasius and other fish – tilapia and sole
- Habitat
- Lifestyle in aquarium conditions
- Spawning
- Nutritional cravings and regimen
- Fishing in natural conditions – if suddenly such a chance presented itself
- Where to find
- Tackle
- How to catch
- Lure
- Taste qualities, benefits and harms of fillets
- Features of cooking pangasius fillet – recipes with video
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Pangasius – what kind of fish and what is its “secret”?
Pangasius is a freshwater fish that belongs to the catfish family. It is often called shark catfish by the people. This is due to the special shape of the fin. It has a sharp point, and therefore resembles a shark. The fish predominantly lives on the bottom of rivers and is rather shy. Moreover, it is highly active.
Shark catfish species
The most common are 2 types of pangasius:
- High- fin (sanitwongzei) – this species is characterized by a muscular body, a flattened head, and a large mouth. The fin located on the back has a triangular shape. It is quite elongated. This variety has a solid gray-black color and light fins, which are decorated with a black border. The fish is capable of reaching 100 cm in length. However, on average, its dimensions do not exceed 50-70 cm. The fish predominantly leads a solitary lifestyle.
- The big-eyed pangasius is aquarium – its distinctive feature is the dorsal fin, which is characterized by its small size and rounded shape. The mouth of this pangasius species is much smaller. Juveniles have longitudinal stripes. With age, they do not disappear, but they brighten significantly. When grown in an aquarium, the size of the fish usually does not exceed 30-40 cm. It is highly mobile. This variety, when grown in aquarium conditions, is recommended to be kept in flocks, which include 5-6 individuals.
Big-eyed shark catfish [/ caption]
The difference between pangasius and other fish – tilapia and sole
Quite often, pangasius is confused with the marine language. In reality, these are completely different fish that belong to different orders. The sole is flounder, so it is characterized by a flat body structure. The sole has a white fillet. It seems almost transparent. At the same time, white-pink or gray meat is characteristic of pangasius. Moreover, it always contains pinkish fragments, which is not typical for the maritime language. In addition, the sole always has a thin fillet, since the fish itself is flat. Also, there are no fatty layers in this product. Pangasius also differs from the constantly confused tilapia – it has a more rounded body and different fins (see photo):
above [/ caption]
In nature, pangasius is found in freshwater reservoirs of Indochina. It is found in Laos and Cambodia. Also, the fish is found in Vietnam and Thailand. Most of all it is found in the Mekong and Chao Phrai rivers.
It is important to take into account that they are heavily contaminated with effluents from chemical plants, household waste and toxic substances. Therefore, in general, beneficial pangasius fillets can be harmful if proper control has not been ensured over the catch and processing of fish.
Lifestyle in aquarium conditions
Pangasius lives well in aquariums, therefore it is often bred for industrial purposes. The fish has a cowardly character, so it can rush in different directions or even faint. But little by little, her behavior is normalizing. Pangasius is a cautious and shy fish. Under any external influences, it simply freezes. Shark catfish can remain in this position for some time. Sometimes he even seems to be lifeless. But as they adapt to the environment, the behavior of the fish normalizes. Shark catfish has a rather peaceful character. In the role of neighbors, it is permissible to use barbs, labeos, irises. When choosing other inhabitants of the aquarium, it is important to make sure that the pangasius is not too large. Otherwise, other fish may suffer in conflicts.
In nature, pangasius reproduces 2 times a year. When grown on farms, this occurs at intervals of several months. Females are capable of laying up to 1 million eggs at a time. For spawning, they choose sandbanks or river rapids. In nature, the fish lives for 10-20 years – it all depends on the variety.
Nutritional cravings and regimen
Pangasius is an omnivorous and unpretentious fish. He eats almost everything – other fish, plant foods, shellfish. When breeding in aquarium conditions, the fish can be fed with different types of food – tablets, cereals, live products. Mixed food is the best option for pangasius. To do this, combine plant and animal feed. It is required to feed the fish 2-3 times a day. The serving size should be such that the pangasius can eat it within 5 minutes. From animal feed, he prefers small fish, worms, bloodworms, shrimps, crickets. When choosing plant foods, you should use zucchini, cucumbers, lettuce.
Fishing in natural conditions – if suddenly such a chance presented itself
In order to successfully catch pangasius in its natural habitat, it is necessary to take into account a number of features. For this, it is important to know the habitat of the fish and choose the right tackle for fishing.
Where to find
The fish, as already mentioned, lives in the Mekong and Mekhlong rivers. It can also be fished in Chao Piraia. The basins of these reservoirs are located in Vietnam and Laos. They are also located in Cambodia and Thailand. Pangasius is a river fish.
To catch this fish, special tackle is usually used. For 1 visit, the fishermen manage to pull out several individuals at the same time. They are put in containers with water and sent to processing plants. There the fish is cleaned, cut, and vacuum packed. Then the pangasius fillets are exported to other countries. This fish is rarely caught on its own. Therefore, there are no precise recommendations regarding the preparation of gear. Fish can be caught using an ordinary fishing rod or professional spinning rod. It is important to ensure that the tackle is strong enough. This will help pull out the heavy fish.
How to catch
It is permissible to use cake, bread balls, fruits as bait. You can also use leeches and worms for this purpose. Adults bite well on protein products. They can be easily caught with live bait. Squid or chopped beef balls are also great. The most difficult stage of fishing is playing. It is not recommended to take the pangasius ashore immediately. First, you need to take time for the fish to get tired and stop resisting. If, while waiting, she went to the bottom, it is recommended to knock on the fishing rod. As a result, the fish will get scared and go upstairs. The tired fish turns belly up. At this stage, it is recommended to put on gloves, bring her to the shore, grab her gills with a hook and pull her out.
When fishing, it needs to be fed. For this, food is thrown into the water from the raft. Fruits and vegetables, bread, cereals are used as top dressing. Small fish are also perfect for this purpose.
Taste qualities, benefits and harms of fillets
The meat of this fish is characterized by a rather delicate taste, in which specific sweetish notes are felt. They are related to the fact that the fish is freshwater. Fillet can be of 2 colors – white or yellow-pink. The second option is of lower quality. The shade of the meat is influenced by the nutritional characteristics and the conditions of fish farming. Pangasius fillet is a rather useful product. It contains many valuable substances. Fish is in demand among athletes. This is due to the significant amount of protein in it. This substance is responsible for the supply of amino acids, which are involved in the formation of muscle tissue, maintain normal insulin levels, and strengthen the immune system. The product is dietary. In 100 grams of fillet, there are only 115 kcal.
- improve brain function;
- to suspend the aging process;
- prevent the occurrence of cancer;
- improve the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
- strengthen immunity;
- start the process of burning fat;
- stimulate metabolism;
- strengthen the heart.
Pangasius fillets are not considered hazardous foods. However, if the rules for breeding, processing, transportation and storage are violated, it can cause great harm to health. Therefore, it is recommended to buy the product in fish stores, which provide all the necessary documents. Gray, reddish or yellow fillets are especially hazardous to health. The product acquires a reddish color when there is a lack of oxygen, living in unsuitable conditions or being treated with toxic substances. A yellowish tint of the fillet is observed if the pangasius has not eaten properly or lacked nutrients. Gray color if fillets have been repeatedly thawed and frozen, or storage rules have not been followed. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy fillets of these shades. Also, harm to the product may be associated with a violation of the fillet freezing process.It is best to shock freeze the fish. The use of this technology does not provoke changes in the composition and texture of the product.
An excess of this type of fish in the diet can negatively affect the functioning of the body. Before introducing fillets on the menu, you should consult your doctor. If you are intolerant of pangasius or allergic reactions to fish, it is better to refuse it.
Features of cooking pangasius fillet – recipes with video
Pangasius is a rather fatty fish, therefore it is often used to prepare various dishes. The advantage of this product is that it does not need to be cleaned or cut. Ready-made fillets are sold in stores. You need to defrost it, rinse it and start cooking. Fillets are used for soups, main courses, casseroles, cooked in a pan, in the oven and in a slow cooker. It makes excellent soufflé and aspic. This meat can be used to make pie fillings. Boiled fillets without fat are often added to diet salads. In most cases, pangasius meat is fried, boiled, or baked. When boiled, it makes a great broth.
Note! The meat of such fish is in perfect harmony with different dressings. It goes especially well with lemon-vinegar sauces.
Defrosting pangasius is required in a natural way. Hot water or microwave ovens are not recommended. At the same time, you do not need to completely defrost the fish. This is done only to a certain state, when the meat can be easily cut with a knife. Thanks to this method of cutting, it will be possible to preserve the maximum of valuable components in the fish. To make a healthy fish casserole, you should take the following ingredients for recipes:
- 500 grams of pangasius fillet;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 onion;
- 1 egg;
- 100 grams of sour cream;
- 200 grams of cheese;
- spices.
The carcass needs to be cut into pieces and folded into a mold, sprinkled with any spices. Place onions and carrots on top. Mix the egg, sour cream and cheese separately and pour the dressing over the fish and vegetables. The dish needs to be baked for half an hour at 200 degrees.
- 200 grams of pangasius;
- 1 tomato;
- 50 grams of broccoli;
- a little bit of cheese;
- a pinch of salt.
The fillets need to be washed and dried, placed in a steamer bowl and lightly salted. Put the tomato and broccoli inflorescences on top. Sprinkle vegetables with hard cheese and turn on the double boiler. It takes 15 minutes to cook the dish from the moment the water boils. A very tasty dish can be obtained by using the barbecue. To do this, you need to take the following products:
- 1.5 kg fish fillet;
- 3 limes;
- spices for fish.
Fillets need to be washed, salt and season with your favorite spices. Then place the fish on the wire rack and place lime circles on top. It is recommended to fry fillets on coals for 25 minutes. As a result, the fish should turn golden. Open fire is not recommended. Pangasius in batter: How to cook pangasius fillets in the oven – video recipe: Pangasius is a delicious and inexpensive fish that is used for various dishes. In order to choose the right product, it is important to consider the color and consistency of the fillets.