Proper float loading, choosing the ideal sinker ratio

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Proper float shipping is a very important part of
float fishing . And the point is not only in the aesthetic component, in the beauty of the observed bites. A float rig can be made either sensitive and responsive to any touch, or completely unresponsive. And all this depends on the correct loading of the float.

Proper float loading, choosing the ideal sinker ratio
It is important that the float is as sensitive and responsive as possible to bites

The importance of correct loading

You can load the float simply and thoughtlessly by hanging weights on the fishing line. But only if you choose the right load for a given float, fishing conditions and other factors, you can count on success. To understand the importance of correct loading, it is worth imagining how the tackle will behave in case of improper loading. If the float is underloaded, then the fish approaching and touching the bait will feel the resistance of the float. This can scare the fish away and they will simply spit out the bait. In this case, the angler will see a bite, but it will be too late and he will not have time to react to the bite, unless the fish itself is detected. You can also overload the signaling device, in which case even the slightest breath of wind will hide the float under water, which makes fishing inefficient and simply impossible. With proper loading, the fish will be able to move freely with the bait and all its movements will immediately be beaten off on the float, as a bite signaling device.

Proper float loading, choosing the ideal sinker ratio
The behavior of various types of floats when properly loaded – each signaling device needs to be driven under water to a specific depth, also directly dependent on the presence of a current and its strength [/ caption] underloaded. In this case, the angler will not even see when the fish is interested in the bait, since any movements of the hook in this case will not be reflected in the float. By the way! Many problems with the correct loading can be solved by the self-locking float Float Bobber, here’s how it works:
Proper float loading, choosing the ideal sinker ratio

What methods are used to load the float

Loading float gear consists of the main cargo and podpaska. The shepherd additionally loads the float to the working condition by the last quarter of the float weight. The float consists of a keel, a body and a tip. The classic option for loading a float is loading in the middle of the tip. Then, when drowning the float, as well as when biting on the rise, it will be easy for the fish to set in motion only half of the top of the float. The tops in the floats are made thin, they create almost no resistance. All sinkers can be divided into several main types:

  • pellets;
  • olives;
  • sheet lead. [caption id="attachment_5774" align="aligncenter" width="750"] Proper float loading, choosing the ideal sinker ratioTypes of weights for float gear


Shotguns are one of the easiest options for weighting a float. Shotguns are either weighing a few grams or very small, only 0.15-0.2 grams. The spherical shape does not create additional resistance and easily enters the water. Attached to the line very easily. The fishing line is inserted into a special section of the pellet and the pellet bites. However, you should be careful not to break the line. Otherwise, in these places the fishing line can easily break. But such an installation is a big plus of shots – they can be easily rearranged, added or reduced if necessary. Lead shot sets can be found at any fishing store.

Proper float loading, choosing the ideal sinker ratio
Marking and weight gradation of shots


Olives got their name from their characteristic shape. This type of weights is used when loading heavier floats. They also have good flight characteristics, so they are used for long-range casting of sliding equipment. They are attached to the fishing line through a through hole made through the entire olive.

Lead sheets

Sheet lead is one of the old-fashioned options for loading floats, which has gained a new life today. Lead can be flattened and then cut into lead strips from the resulting sheet. These strips are the material for the weights. This version of the sinker allows you to accurately select the desired weight for loading the float. Ready-made lead tapes are sold in stores with a lined scale that indicates how many grams are in this segment.

Proper float loading, choosing the ideal sinker ratio
Marking weights and matching weights

Types and options for loading float gear

There are several main types in order to efficiently and sensitively load the float gear. This is a spaced rig and a single point rig.

Proper float loading, choosing the ideal sinker ratio
How to correctly load a float of various shapes
With a single-point rig, all the load is concentrated at one point. It can be any of the weights described above. Such equipment is used when
catching roach and bleak in the wiring on the course. Then the load is placed closer to the float. This allows the float to quickly get into position. And the baited hook falls freely in the water column. If it is necessary that the hook passes through the water column faster, the weight is moved closer to the hook.
Proper float loading, choosing the ideal sinker ratioTo achieve greater sensitivity, spaced shipment is used. In this case, the float is shipped to the required level with the help of several weights located in different parts of the equipment. These can be combinations of different sinkers, such as olives and pellets. The main principle of spaced loading: from a larger load to a smaller one. That is, the heaviest load should be located near the float and further, if you go down to the hook down the fishing line, the weight of the sinkers should decrease. This will keep the rig from getting tangled. You don’t need to put a lot of pellets, smaller with their size. In addition to the shed, it is enough to put 3-4 pellets.

How to properly load the float for different conditions and different fish

Depending on the fishing conditions, choose a different option to lower the float under the water. So fishing on a stagnant pond gives an advantage and allows you to use the most sensitive options for loads. In this case, you can use a spaced shipment, use a shed and ship the float to the middle of the antenna. This will allow you to notice any touches of the fish.

Proper float loading, choosing the ideal sinker ratio
How to properly load a float on a fishing rod when fishing in still water will not be carried away by the current. A heavier load is used as a backup, and the float itself should be heavier. When fishing in windy weather, it is worth adjusting the tackle to the circumstances. So, you can slightly underload the float, so that it can be better seen in excitement. Otherwise, a normally loaded float will now and then cover with waves and then it will definitely not work to see the bite. [caption id="attachment_5768" align="aligncenter" width="800"]
Proper float loading, choosing the ideal sinker ratioDifferent weather – different elevation of the antenna above the water [/ caption] When fishing at long distances, special glassy floats are used that can be thrown far. Olives are most often used as weights, as they are sliding and one olive can be loaded with a heavy float for long-distance casting. [caption id="attachment_5770" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Proper float loading, choosing the ideal sinker ratioLoading a float with and without a shed
By the type of fish, you can also choose the placement of the float in the water column. So, if you are hunting for bottom fish such as crucian carp and you need to cut off other fish standing in the water column, then the main load is shifted to the shed. Thus, the hook quickly reaches the bottom, bypassing the middle layers of water. But if you are fishing in the middle layers, such as
topand roach, then the nozzle should slowly pass the upper and middle layers of water, since biting can occur here. Fish react well to slowly sinking bait, such as
maggot or dusty bait, such as semolina. In this case, the entire main load is shifted closer to the float.
Proper float loading, choosing the ideal sinker ratioLoading a float under ideal fishing conditions in calm water – the choice of a weight, its location, the role of a shepherd, how to assemble tackle – video tips:

Float unloader

There are special devices for loading floats. They are harvested from buoyant materials such as plastic and shipped extra to achieve neutral buoyancy. Such devices resemble inverted elongated hats. At the top of this design is a latch for attaching the keel of the float. Thus the float becomes neutrally loaded. Further, in the fields of this “hat” the load, pellets and other applied weights are added. Weights are added until the float is fully loaded.
Proper float loading, choosing the ideal sinker ratioSuch a device is not difficult to make yourself. To do this, you can take a cork from a wine or champagne. It can also be made from foam or any other floating material. A recess is made in the cork on one side. Then it will be possible to add weights into it, as in the purchased version. You can make such a recess with an ordinary knife, and then polish it with sandpaper to a rounded shape. How to make a device for shipping floats with your own hands – full video version: Then the resulting workpiece must be loaded and neutral buoyancy achieved. Ideally, this will not work, but as close as possible – you can. To do this, a hole is drilled in the cork blank at the bottom. It will be enough to take drill No. 6 and go deeper by about 1 cm into the workpiece. A load will be folded into the resulting hole to achieve neutral buoyancy of the entire product. You can check this device in any tank of water. So for example, this can be done in a jar, in a cut bottle, in a bathroom or in something else. As weights, you can use ordinary lead. A load is inserted into the resulting hole. To achieve the state of the suspender, you need to slowly add or reduce the load, rechecking the result several times. It is better to devote time to this once, but then use this device. When the desired load is selected, you can fill the hole from the weights with hot glue for complete fixation. Then, by analogy with purchased devices, weights are added to the hole made, which will be used in loading. A float with a thin keel can simply be stuck into the cork and fixed in this way. If the keel is thicker, then you can drill a hole in the cork to insert the float.
Proper float loading, choosing the ideal sinker ratioReady-made equipment for a float rod [/ caption]

Float to sinker ratio: detailed table

To determine the required weight of sinkers for loading the float, you can use the calculated data. However, it should be understood that this applies to sports gear, in which both the weight of the weights and the carrying capacity of the float are indicated exactly. Otherwise, it is still better to check experimentally.

Float capacityShepherd weightThe weight of the main cargo (olives or pellets)
Still waterFlow

If you choose the right weight for certain fishing conditions, you can not miss a bite, and also get real pleasure from the “dancing” of the float on the water.

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