The float rod is used for catching medium and small white fish. Thanks to the development of technology and with the advent of new materials, fishing with a fishing rod with a float has been divided into four areas. The classic
fly tackle does not have rings and reels, the plug tackle is a modern version of the classic with a rod length of 20 meters.
Match and
Bologna rods are equipped with spinning reels and line guides.
- Why the right bobber rig is important and why it’s not easy
- What you need to rig a float rod
- What equipment options are there
- How to equip a fly rod without rings – detailed instructions with a photo
- How to equip a float fly rod with rings and a reel – photo
- Step-by-step float rigging for beginners – from component selection to assembly into one tackle
- Float rod equipment for fishing in the current
- Equipment for fishing on waters without current
- Difficult and important points of bobber rigging – bobber loading for different conditions, tying gear components and choosing them for different fishing situations
- Equipment Bologna float tackle
- Match gear
- Plug accessories
- Equipment for long distance casting
- Equipment for float fishing rods for live bait fishing
- Float tackle for catching carp, roach, bleak, carp
- Blind snap
- With sliding float
- Rig for different depths, different currents, baits, and nozzles
- Tips and Mistakes
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Why the right bobber rig is important and why it’s not easy
Thanks to the right float equipment, the angler knows when to hook, because if the fish takes the baited hook in his mouth, the float hides under the water, signaling that he needs to pull. The fish will resist, but the rod and line will help you fish it out. In order for this scheme to work, it is necessary to make the equipment correctly, to tie together many factors that affect efficiency:
- fishing conditions;
- rod characteristics;
- equipment;
- bait;
- bait effectiveness;
- fishing technique.
What you need to rig a float rod
To equip a float fishing rod you will need:
- Rod – match, plug, bologna or flywheel.
- Fishing line . It is necessary to take 2 types: the main one and on a leash.
line is inserted into the outlet through the ring - Coil . Not needed for all rods, the line can be fixed through the connector.
- float . It is recommended to buy several types.
- Loading . Fishing stores sell modified sinkers and lead shots with special cuts.
- Hooks . If you buy a set of hooks, they can be changed at the place of fishing, in accordance with the intended production.

What equipment options are there
Depending on the conditions of fishing, there are 2 types of installation:
- deaf;
- sliding .
A blind rig is used when fishing from the shore at shallow depths.
How to equip a fly rod without rings – detailed instructions with a photo
At the very end of the fishing rod, it is necessary to fix the connector with superglue, then it will be possible to stretch the main fishing line through it and attach it to the rod.
How to equip a float fly rod with rings and a reel – photo
For beginners, it is recommended to buy a plastic drum-type coil.
Step-by-step float rigging for beginners – from component selection to assembly into one tackle

- Attaching a reel or line to the tip of a rod if the rod does not require a reel.
- Threading the line, starting from a large ring located next to the reel, to a small one at the top of the rod.
- Float fixing. The fishing line must be passed into the ring of the float located on top, stretched down and fixed with a cambric. If there is no ring at the top of the float, you will have to use 2 tubes.
What you need to mount a sliding float - Loading the float with a sinker. Lead pellets allow you to ensure that the float will be in the water column and only its bright tip is above the surface. This will make the snap sensitive.
- To the end of the fishing line you need to tie a leash – a thinner fishing line.
- After 10-12 cm from the beginning of the leash, tie a hook.
Float rod equipment for fishing in the current

- For fishing in a weak current , it is advisable to choose a float that can withstand from 4 to 8 grams of load. To quickly change the load, you will need to make additional equipment in advance, which is attached with two micro-swivels. Heavy sinkers are fixed at the top, light ones at the bottom. The distance from the first to the second should be at least 20 cm. With such a load, the bait will fall gradually, without scaring the fish.
- For fishing in the middle course , the previous option is not suitable. It is necessary to replace the float, with a load capacity of 6-19 grams. Closer to the leash, you need to place heavy lead pellets, and with an interval of 10 cm – smaller ones. For fishing to be successful, the bait must go ahead of the float.
- For fishing in a strong current , you will have to artificially restrain the equipment so that it does not carry away into the distance. The carrying capacity of the float is up to 40 grams, the length of the leash is 2 m. It is important to place weights at the bottom of the fishing line.
Equipment for fishing on waters without current
Fishing without a current makes it easier to collect gear, but has its own nuances. Sometimes when fishing there is a side or breaking wind, so the equipment should be lightweight. Thin equipment. On a strong fishing line are fixed:
- float of the minimum carrying capacity;
- small hook;
- not a very heavy shot.
Difficult and important points of bobber rigging – bobber loading for different conditions, tying gear components and choosing them for different fishing situations
The success of fishing will depend on the sensitivity of the float – at the slightest touch of the fish to the hook, the float will give a signal. It is important to load in such a way that only the upper, bright part of the float is above the surface. On the reservoir, the float is easier to load. If the process takes place at home, you will need to pour water into a jar, fix a couple of pellets on a fishing line and lower it into the water. If the body of the float is not hidden in the water, you will need to add a sinker.
Equipment Bologna float tackle
For long-distance casting, a Bolognese rod equipped with rings and a reel is used. Bologna tackle will be complete with special floats. It is suitable for fishing in wiring to catch predators on live bait.
Match gear
The match version of the equipment of a float rod for any fish is carried out in such a way that a heavy load is at the top, at the bottom – a lighter one, in front of the hook. In fact, a match is a serious tackle, including a special rod, a good reel, match floats with a certain load.
Plug accessories
Plug fishing rod – a new tackle. On a long rod, consisting of several knees, all equipment is located, the delivery of which is carried out along guide rollers. To extinguish jerks of fish when fishing, manufacturers inserted a special strong elastic band into the last knee.
Equipment for long distance casting
Consider the options for equipment for long-distance casting.
Distance from shore (m) | Depth (m) | Recommended loading weight (g) | Peculiarities | Note |
40 | 2 | 6-8 | On a fishing line 1 g, on a float 2-7 g. | It is better to use a sliding float. |
15-20 | four | 5 | The pellets are located on the fishing line, the float should not be loaded. | When flowing – 2 attachment points. |
20-30 | 3-7 | over 5 | One attachment point, no loading. | |
20-30 (small fish) | 1-2 | General – 8 | 4 – on a fishing line, 4 – on a float. | |
15-30 (fishing on the stretch) | 2-4 | 8-12 | 1g on line, 2-11g on float. |
Equipment for float fishing rods for live bait fishing
So that when fishing on live bait, the bait cannot sink the float, its carrying capacity should be from 15 to 30 grams. But there is another option, less eye-catching predator. This is fishing on light floats with minimal weight. You can use an olive as a sinker, fixing it on one or both sides with special stoppers. Instead of a metal leader, it is better to take a thick fluorocarbon leader – it is less noticeable in the water. Before the pike begins to bite, she will carefully examine the live bait. However, if the metal habits of the predator cannot bite, then the fluorocarbon fishing line is easy. You need to be ready for this. Double or triple hooks are attached to the leash.
Float tackle for catching carp, roach, bleak, carp
If coarse rigs work well during the zhora period, then the rest of the time the rig should be as sensitive as possible. A fairly large fish during a bite may feel resistance and cease to be interested in bait. For fishing, a deaf snap and a sliding float is suitable.
Blind snap
It is better to equip a fly rod with a deaf option, a Bolognese – deaf or sliding. With the deaf method, the float is attached to the bottom or through the ring, if any. If not, it is fixed with cambric. It is important that the float sits well on the line. This is achieved by a suitable tube diameter. Deaf floats most often have a weight of up to 3 grams.
With sliding float
To collect a float fishing rod with a sliding float, you will need to carry out the following manipulations:
- fasten the stopper on the main fishing line;
- put a float on the fishing line;
- under it you can fix a bead or a stopper;
- fix 1-2 or more pellets;
- tie a leash, hook.
To set the release level of the load, you can use the silicone stopper or tie a knot. The stop knot will not catch on the rings, so it is recommended to tie it for long casting. Single locking knot:
It is
Rig for different depths, different currents, baits, and nozzles
The fish will not covet on an empty hook, so you need to use various baits and nozzles. In the store you can buy animal and vegetable baits:
Animal baits | Herbal baits |
Earthworm | Various cereals |
Muckworm | Steamed barley |
Fly larva (maggot) | steamed corn |
bloodworm | Dough |
Often you can combine 2 types of nozzles, make a sandwich. The same bait can be used as bait to inspire the confidence of the fish.
Tips and Mistakes
The success of float fishing will depend on several factors.
- Active biting of peaceful fish is observed in the morning . For fishing, it is worth preparing a float rod with a non-rough rig. A strong fishing line will withstand even a big catch, so you should not play it safe.
- Some inexperienced fishermen use monofilament line with a diameter of 0.35 or 0.50 mm and a huge hook. Do not be surprised, with such equipment there will be no bite.
- It is better to go fishing with several types of bait . Even carp often change their preferences. Not the fact that today there was an active bite on one bait, this does not mean that tomorrow the fish will also be attracted by the same bait. You need to take a mastyrka, talker, dough, maggot, bloodworm or worm with you.