When autumn comes, the water temperature drops. At this time, it becomes more comfortable for the trout. The beautiful fish is actively preparing for spawning. Earlier, in the summertime, trout tried to find cooler places. Now she often moves across the entire area of the reservoir. To prepare for offspring, trout often eat a lot, gaining strength. At this time of year, fishermen can often count on getting trophy specimens. Light rains intensify the biting, long rains weaken it. In freezing conditions, it worsens. In autumn, trout actively move around the entire reservoir. It can be in deep and shallow waters. This fish can only bite on some lures that need to be carefully selected.
- Where to look for trout in autumn
- September
- October trout – spawning and zhor
- Trout fishing in November
- When trout bite in autumn, time of day, weather
- What else affects the biting of rainbow and fast fish in autumn
- What tackle, bait and bait are used for autumn trout
- Spinning trout in the fall – what bait does the iris bite on?
- Fishing for trout in the fall with a bottom tackle
- Feeder fishing
- How to catch trout in the fall with a float rod
- The difference between fishing in early and late autumn
- Fishing with live bait tackle
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Where to look for trout in autumn
During the summer, trout hide from the heat in deep places. It gradually gets colder in autumn, making the water more comfortable. At this time, the trout is actively moving through the reservoir. It can often be found on rocky rifts with a depth of at least one meter. Another type of promising places is the immediate vicinity of underwater pits located in the bends of rivers. In such places, there are often high steep banks. Trout sometimes gets tired of the constant struggle with the current and needs a temporary respite. Her resting place can be found in the relatively calm river water behind a small obstacle. In such a place, the fisherman can also count on the catch.
Spawning begins in early autumn. In this regard, it is not recommended to fish while standing in the water. In this case, you can step on the eggs and destroy them. You need to fish only from the shore or from a boat. In September, the rainbow fish is hungry. She is preparing for the birth of offspring. Spawning dates can vary from September to November. In some regions, spawning can take place during the winter months. Trout is almost omnivorous this month. It works well with most lures. The fish feels comfortable and ready to eat almost anything. Live baits, baits, wobblers, insects and their imitations, paste, silicone baits are suitable for her.
October trout – spawning and zhor
In most cases, trout spawning begins in October. At this time, the water temperature drops, which creates more comfortable conditions for the fish. One of the features of the trout is that it feeds not only in front of it, but also on the days when it spawns. It should be noted that after the end of the spawning period, it does not die, as some believe, but returns to its traditional habitats. In October, trout in their behavior does not differ much from the majority of predators. This month, the use of a spinning rod for catching it will be most effective. On stagnant bodies of water, the use of circles is popular
, the position of which is fixed with a heavy sinker. In October, the most effective is the use of live bait. When fishing, it is important to observe disguise, since the iris is very shy.
Trout fishing in November
This is the coldest month of autumn. Nevertheless, the trout continues to feed actively. In November, biting depends little on random weather changes. The difficulties of fishing in November are more related to the conditions for the fisherman than to the peculiarities of the behavior of the fish. At this time, the easiest way to fish for trout is paid labor. Excellent results are obtained by using various fishing methods:
spinning ,
float rod ,
donkey , feeder. It is best to put live bait, trout dough or worm on the hook. How and what to catch trout on the paysite in autumn – baits, fishing tactics: https://youtu.be/ZOC1vi0H-5c
When trout bite in autumn, time of day, weather
It’s best to catch trout in the fall during the day. In early autumn, the iris can sometimes be found at shallow depths. For fishing, clear, sunny weather is best. If it starts raining and slush, then the activity of the fish decreases. It is recommended to fish the river, moving against the current. This is due to the fact that the trout is looking for prey, moving in the same direction. Thus, in this case, the fisherman will approach the trout from behind, which increases the chances of being unnoticed by the fish.
What else affects the biting of rainbow and fast fish in autumn
If an autumn storm comes, it rains, then the water becomes cloudy. During these times, trout can be fished at relatively shallow depths, although the fish become less active. Trout usually bites well in autumn. It is important to consider the need for camouflage. The tackle should not be clearly visible.
It is important to avoid noise, which can easily scare off wary trout.
When fishing, you need to remember that even after a bite, the fish does not stop fighting, which continues until it is taken to the shore or into a boat. The equipment used must be not only inconspicuous, but also durable.
What tackle, bait and bait are used for autumn trout
For trout fishing, you can use
artificial bait . The most suitable sizes are No. 0-2 turntables, small spoons size 2-4 cm, silicone 1-2 inches and wobblers up to 4-6 cm. If the water is cloudy, try to choose a brighter color. The weight of any bait usually does not exceed 10 grams. More accurately determined by the test of the fishing rod.
Spinning trout in the fall – what bait does the iris bite on?
For fishing, you need to choose a rod with a test corresponding to the weight of the lures used. Typically light or ultra-light medium action rods are used for trout
. When fishing in clear water,
fluorocarbon line is used . It combines high strength and stealth. Also can be used a braid with a thickness of no more than 0.12 mm.
freewheeling reel… It is desirable that they have a large gear ratio. When fishing from the bank, it is recommended to cast against the current. Apply periodic rewinding: first, make a few turns of the coil, then pause. The bait rises from the bottom under the influence of the current. When the line sags, pull it up, then make a few more turns of the reel. After a pause, unwind a little so that the bait lies on the bottom. Trout bites are relatively easy to spot due to the fact that the fish immediately begins to fight intensively. While it is being fished out, the trout does not stop trying to free itself.
lures, lures and various types of silicone baits. Fishing for trout in autumn with spinning: https://youtu.be/gm4mnpkJHnA
Fishing for trout in the fall with a bottom tackle
When fishing for trout, a fisherman can use different types of equipment. The following is a detailed description of what you need to pay attention to when using them.
stimulantswhich will give the mixture a more attractive scent. It is allowed to use various baits, but the most effective is the use of live bait. You can also use fillets of fish, insects, worms, larvae. Trout paste is popular. When choosing, it is important to choose the appropriate size and color of paste rolls.
Feeder fishing
The use of a feeder is most effective when fishing for trout in late autumn.
How to catch trout in the fall with a float rod
When fishing with a float rod, the fisherman’s casting range is limited. To get close to the prey, you have to get as close to the trout as possible, which is quite difficult to do. The best option is fishing in a narrow river, when it is easier for the fisherman to get close to the prey. When fishing in a large body of water, it is better to choose the following tackle. For fishing, a Bolognese rod with a length of 4 meters is suitable. It should be strong and lightweight. The preferred reel size is 2000. Using this tackle will allow you to fish from the maximum distance. The line and hook should be selected according to the size and weight of the intended prey. For trout, in most cases, you can use a monofilament with a diameter of 0.2 cm. In order for the catch to be good, a variety of baits are used.
The difference between fishing in early and late autumn
In early autumn, this fish actively strives to absorb as much food as possible. This is necessary for successful spawning. In early autumn, the weather is more comfortable for humans. With the onset of November, trout spawning ends in most regions of Russia and fish activity decreases. She is active, but much less in comparison with the beginning of autumn. At this time, the water temperature drops dramatically. Gradually, the trout begins to sink to the depths, getting ready for winter. At this time, weather conditions worsen, bad weather often sets in, the air temperature drops, which leads to more difficult conditions for fishermen.
Fishing with live bait tackle
Various types of bait can be used for trout fishing, but using live bait is most effective. When using it in the fall, a fisherman has a high chance of catching a trophy specimen. To prepare for fishing, you need to catch live bait. To do this, you need to find the places where he lives and catch the right amount. To store, they are stored in jars at the rate of 10 pieces per liter of cold water. It is recommended to regularly change their water.Using live bait tackle [/ caption] For fishing with live bait, take a rod 4-5 m long with a thin end. The thickness of the main line should be 0.18-0.20 mm. The leash can be taken with a length of 20-25 cm. A hook with a long handguard size 6-8 will do. Live fry are planted so that they enter through the mouth and exit through the gill cover. Thereafter, the tip is withdrawn through the middle of the back. When fishing, it is recommended to avoid quick and sharp sweeps, it is better to give the trout time so that it swallows the bait more strongly.