When autumn begins
, the pike is very active. At this time, most
spinning lures work flawlessly. At this time, pike can be caught both in the current and in reservoirs without it.
- When pike bite in September: best time of day, weather
- What else affects pike biting in September
- What tackle, bait and bait are used for pike in September
- Spinning pike in September
- Fishing for pike in September with other tackle
- On the donk
- Fishing with live bait tackle
- Fishing for pike in September on the rivers
- Fishing for pike in September on lakes and ponds
- Fishing for pike in September from a boat
- Tips and Secrets
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When pike bite in September: best time of day, weather
Pike bite in early autumn depends significantly on the time of day and weather. On clear days, there are more chances of a good catch in the morning. Before sunset, the predator has a second peak of activity. At this time, she is only slightly less active compared to the morning hours. On the effect of weather on pike biting: https://tytkleva.net/lovlya-xishhnoj-ryby/spinning/strategiya-i-taktika/v-kakuyu-pogodu-luchshe-lovit-shhuku.htm When cloudy autumn days come, the predator keeps its activity throughout the day. If the fisherman is counting on a good result, he should fish throughout this time. When the wind dies down, the pike begins to behave much more cautiously. At this time, it is easier to notice not only the bait, but also the tackle. In order not to scare off predatory fish, you need to be very careful. Weather,when the sun is shining brightly, it makes the water more transparent. In such a situation, the comfort that the pike feels is reduced. At this time, there is high pressure, which makes the predator less active. On cloudy days, a fisherman has a high chance of increasing his catch.
What else affects pike biting in September
This fish is good at feeling surges in atmospheric pressure. With sharp changes in biting, it is likely to be unstable. Their impact can lead to the fact that the fish will often change their place of stay. At this time, the activity can be either high or low. If a fisherman counts on a good food, then he can both guess and face a sluggish and inert fish. Knowing well the habits of a predator, you can always count on a good catch.
What tackle, bait and bait are used for pike in September
Artificial baits can be used to catch predators
. However, it often happens that good biting occurs only when using certain types of spinning lures. Fishermen often find their most effective options based on their own experience by trying several varieties. In September, the pike still does not slide to great depths, as in October, which means it is not yet time for heavy jig and wobblers of drivers, and during this period wobblers such as minnow , light and medium jig,
spoons and spinners show themselves well.
… They cling less to underwater obstacles. Some believe that yellow lures work for pike, which are better at attracting fish. In flowing water bodies there is less underwater vegetation, which allows the use of both wobblers and spoon baits.
Spinning pike in September
Spinning pike is one of the most popular ways. This tackle can be effectively used in almost any body of water. It is believed that in September it is not worth focusing efforts only on a specific place. Although fishing the entire body of water is often tedious, it should be borne in mind that the pike often changes location this month depending on the weather conditions. Particular attention should be paid to the following points:
- The pike is actively looking for prey among the coastal vegetation.
- It is necessary to pay attention to the oxbows of the rivers and to the bays.
- The pike loves to visit places where tributaries or streams flow into the river.
- You need to pay attention to underwater locations with a relatively flat bottom and vegetation.
Beauty pike [/ caption] - The predator is attracted to places where the current slows down or its direction changes.
- The pike loves to be in ambush at various shelters – holes, depth differences, snags, lying at the bottom of tree trunks. Keeping stealth, from there she suddenly attacks a peaceful fish.
- Tackle versatility.
- High fishing efficiency.
- The fascination of the process and the strongest excitement.
- Availability of quality gear.
For fishing in early September, it is beneficial to look for and use the same places as during the summer. It should be understood that when fishing at shallow depths, relatively small fish will mainly be caught. To obtain trophy specimens, they are looked for near underwater pits and snags. When collecting spinning tackle, care must be taken to ensure that it is strong and reliable. If a low power rod is chosen, there is a high risk of being broken by a predator. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a form with a dough of at least 40 grams.
inertialessand inertial coils. It can take a lot of effort to spin the reel to fish out prey. Therefore, it will be a good solution to use a spinning reel with a large number of bearings. When choosing a line, it is enough to use a thickness of 0.28 mm. It has a fairly high strength and will not break even if a trophy specimen falls on the hook. At the same time, you need to remember that fishing must be done carefully and with a properly configured friction clutch. The use of a leash is also required.
metal leash so that the predator does not gnaw through it when playing. Sometimes it is considered acceptable to take a fluorocarbon leash
. The options for collecting
spinning rods for catching this predator are very diverse. The most common option is the following:
- The form is 2.4 meters long.
- Braided line capable of withstanding a breaking load of 5-7 kg.
- The size of the spinning reel should be between 2500-3000.
https://tytkleva.net/lovlya-xishhnoj-ryby/spinning/komplektuyushhie-i-montazh/kak-vybrat-spinning-na-shhuku.htm When jigging from the shore, it is better to use a fast action line 2.7 m long. When fishing with spinning, the following baits are used:
- wobblers minnow ;
- silicone jig ;
- vibrators ;
- turntables ;
- sleepy fish;
- cranky .
Fishing for pike in September with other tackle
Fishing this month promises a good catch, provided that the fisherman selects the right tackle and chooses fishing tactics. You can use not only active fishing methods, but also complement them with passive ones.
On the donk
For pike fishing on a donk, a fishing rod with a length of 1.8-2.7 meters is suitable. The shorter ones are better for boat fishing, the longer ones are better for shore fishing. The test must be at least 40 grams. Spinning reels of size 3000 according to Shimano are suitable as coils. Braid or monofilament is suitable as a fishing line. The sinker should be in the form of an olive weighing 15 grams or more. The underwater float should be below it on the line. This arrangement will prevent the bait from burrowing into the silt. Bells can be used as bite signaling devices.
frog, live bait.
Fishing with live bait tackle
The pike is a predator, so fishing with live bait has every chance to bring a good catch. It can be brought in advance or caught in this reservoir with a swing rod. One of the favorite delicacies of the predator is the small carp. When fishing with circles, it is recommended to use at least ten at the same time. Fewer quantities will not cover the required area. A larger number will be more difficult for the fisherman to control and may miss the bite. The distance between them is usually 3-5 meters, no less.
Fishing for pike in September on the rivers
The pike likes places where there is not a fast current. It is attracted to places where it changes to one degree or another – it slows down, changes direction or twists. Fish like places with sharp drops in height near the edge or underwater pits. If the river has a depression in the channel, then the predator can hunt in such places. On rivers in mid-September, there may be a massive movement of roach to wintering pits. Pike can be found in places where it can count on such prey. Where to look for pike in September, how and what to catch – the secrets and subtleties of fishing in the early autumn period: https://youtu.be/ppx_gb8c9zU
Fishing for pike in September on lakes and ponds
At the beginning of the month, the pike is attracted to all the places where it can get affordable food. At this time, not only fry are available, but also insects, as well as bottom inhabitants. The most suitable locations are vast underwater surfaces with dense vegetation. At this time, there is a large number of peaceful fish. Gradually towards the end of September, the weather begins to change, the water becomes colder. As a result, the vegetation gradually fades away and peaceful fish begins to gather in schools and gradually go to deep places to wintering pits. The pike also changes its habits at this time. Gradually, she begins to pay more and more attention to places where she can sit in ambush near pits, eyebrows, snags and other similar places.
Fishing for pike in September from a boat
When fishing from a boat, it is important to choose the right bait. To do this, try several options. For this, various types of wobblers are usually used. Fishing from a boat becomes relevant in the second half of September, when the vegetation gradually begins to die off. Usually the catch includes fish of various sizes. When moving, you need to ensure that the bait passes near the places where the predator is most likely located. The depth should be such that the wobbler does not drag along the bottom, but only occasionally touches it.
Tips and Secrets
Despite the fact that the pike is very active at the beginning of autumn, it seeks to save its strength during the hunt. This is especially true when the temperature drops. Therefore, in order to attract the attention of a large specimen, it is advisable to offer him a large enough fry to surely attract attention. Even when using artificial bait, its size should not be less than 12 cm. At first glance, it may seem that the pike is more active in clear weather, but this is not always the case. Often cloudy or rainy weather makes it more lively and aggressive. A pike in September can pursue a prey for a long time. As a result, she may find herself in unexpected places that were difficult to predict. Therefore, the tactics of catching the most different places can sometimes bring success.