Seabass (sea bass – sea bass, lat. Dicentrarchus labrax) is a popular sea fish that belongs to a large family of sea bass. It is characterized by white dense meat, which has a slight sweetish aftertaste. This product contains many valuable components, and therefore brings great benefits to the body. There are many ways to cook sea bass – boil, bake, or fry.
- Seabass or sea bass – what kind of fish is this?
- Classification
- Difference from similar fish
- Where the sea bass is found
- Lifestyle
- Spawning features
- Food
- Fishing features
- Where to find a predator
- Tackle
- How to catch
- Lure
- Taste qualities
- The benefits and harms of sea bass, calorie content
- How to cook a sea wolf deliciously – recipes and tips
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Seabass or sea bass – what kind of fish is this?
The seabass is considered a marine predator. It has many names – common sea bass, dorada, lubina, koikan, spigola, ranjo, sea wolf, branzino. It is often called sea bass or bass. The abundance of names is due to the wide distribution of fish. It is called differently in each country. The common sea bass is characterized by an elongated body and a powerful skeleton. Moreover, he has a minimum of bones. The abdomen has a light shade with silvery areas on the sides. The back is decorated with 2 fins. In this case, there are thorns on the front. This fish is characterized by large scales. In length, it grows up to 50 cm, while the maximum weight is 12 kg. The common sea bass lives for about 15 years. However, there are also centenarians. Their age reaches 30 years. The Chilean variety of sea bass is gray or brown in color. It depends on the habitat of the fish.There are sharp fins on its back. You can meet such a sea wolf only at depth – in cool places.
There are 2 main types of sea bass:
- Common – lives on the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean. It is characterized by an elongated body. On the back and sides there are large silvery scales. Sometimes the back has a greenish color. In this case, the abdomen has a normal light shade. The back of the seabass is complemented by 2 fins, and the front is complemented by thorns. Also, the thorns are on the head. The fish has almost no bones, but it has an extremely strong skeleton. On average, this type of sea bass reaches 50 cm.
- Chilean sea bass – also called black. The second name is associated with the color of the scales – it has a dark shade. The Chilean sea bass differs from the common seabass by the presence of thorns on all fins.
Difference from similar fish
In appearance, the sea bass is somewhat reminiscent of sea bass. To distinguish it, you should pay attention to the white belly and silvery sides. In addition, the sea wolf is characterized by pink gills and black spots on the back. Another feature of the laurel is the presence of an even strip of black color, which is located along the body.
Where the sea bass is found
Lavrak is found in many bodies of water. He lives in Norway and Morocco. The fish also lives in the waters of Senegal. It is also found in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. In addition, fish are caught in the Atlantic Ocean. Often it is bred on farms. This is especially common in Italy, France, Spain.
Note! Artificial fish are considered less valuable than those that live in the sea. However, this is the only option to preserve its population.
The sea wolf usually lives near the coast. Sometimes he lives in river estuaries or shallow water bodies. The fish is characterized by high activity. Therefore, she can change her habitat, moving between the seas. Sea bass is not tied to depth. This fish is found at the bottom or on the surface of water bodies.
The maximum activity in this fish is observed at night. During the day, she concentrates on depth. By nature, sea bass is considered a predator. He can be in ambush for a long time and follow the victim, and then sharply attacks her. The seabass has a fairly large mouth. Therefore, it is not difficult for him to seize and swallow prey.
Spawning features
Lavrak reaches sexual maturity by 2-4 years. Fish that live in the Atlantic Ocean are characterized by slower development. Males are ready to breed at 4-7 years old. Moreover, in females, puberty occurs only at 5-8 years. Seabass spawns in winter. However, in the southern regions this can happen in spring or summer. There is a lot of precipitation in these places. This activates the breeding process of the sea bass. The sea wolf has fatty eggs that have a smooth surface and do not stick to each other. The female lays them in burrows hidden under plants and snags. Most often this happens in shallow places. At the same time, males protect the clutch and provide care for the offspring. After 3 days after laying, larvae appear, which eventually grow into fry. In most cases, the number of males and females is the same.
The main food of the sea bass is considered to be marine crustaceans. Also, the fish absorbs shellfish, crabs, small fish, shrimp. By its nature, the sea wolf is a predator. Therefore, he can remain in ambush for a long time, and then attack sharply. Young fish live in schools. As they gain weight, they leave the pack and begin to hunt on their own. Sardines are considered the favorite delicacy of the lavrak. For the sake of this prey, with the arrival of summer, they are able to make a long journey to its habitats.
Fishing features
Experienced fishermen are very fond of catching seabass; this predatory fish is distinguished by its high speed and great activity.
Where to find a predator
The tidal zone is considered the best option for hunting seabass. Fish come to these places for food. It is best to give preference to areas with a rocky bottom. However, a sandy bottom is considered an acceptable option.
For fishing to be successful, you need to take into account the characteristics of the sea wolf. When choosing a rod, you should give preference to a model that is designed for use in salty waters. The coil should be the same. As for the cords, various options are permissible – sinking or floating. When choosing lures, it is better to give preference to wobblers. They serve as an imitation of the favorite delicacy of the sea bass – sardines. Lures that imitate mullet or mackerel are considered no less successful options. It is important to select the shade of wobblers depending on the time of day. In the morning, it is worth using bright baits. With the onset of the evening, it is recommended to give preference to darker tones. At dawn, yellow wobblers are the ideal solution. In this case, the shape of the bait should resemble real fish.
How to catch
In most cases, spinning and fly fishing are used to catch seabass. In the first case, it is recommended to use wobblers and silver spinners as attachments. A mimic of mackerel or eels works well. It is recommended to supplement the rod with a spinning reel. You will also need a multiplier. The optimal spinning rod size is 3.3 meters. This tackle is recommended for catching the sea wolf from the rocks. Seabass swims up to these places to eat small fish. Therefore, casting the bait far is usually not required. For fly fishing, it is recommended to use volumetric lures, which are similar to the outlines of a fish. At night it is worth using black and purple tips, in the morning – blue, red or white. At noon, sea bass should be caught with white lures, and at dawn, white-yellow or silver products should be used.When choosing a fishing rod, you should give preference to a device of the 7-8 class, which is intended for fishing in salt water.
For bait, it is permissible to use fragments of small fish or crustaceans – crabs or shrimps. To prepare the mixture, it is worth making minced meat and adding aromatic components to it. The ideal option would be fish juice. It is best to use sardines for this. The resulting composition must be placed in a feeder. When it gets into the water, its contents will gradually be washed out, exuding an aroma attractive to the sea bass. To lower the feeder to the bottom, it is recommended to equip it with a sinker. Seabass Fishing in Cyprus:
Taste qualities
Seabass has a high nutritional value. The meat of this fish is actively used in cooking, as it has a delicate taste and amazing juiciness. Another plus of this fish is the almost complete absence of bones. In addition, many vitamins are present in the composition of her meat. The sea wolf has an exquisite taste, therefore dishes prepared from it are served even in expensive restaurants.
The benefits and harms of sea bass, calorie content
Sea wolf meat is considered a dietary product. In 100 grams of fish fillet, there are only 82 kcal. It contains many vitamins and minerals. Lavrak includes vitamins of group B, A, PP. It also contains calcium, cobalt, phosphorus. The product is considered to be extremely beneficial due to its high content of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. They help to avoid the development of malignant tumors, prevent pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, and suppress inflammation. Also, this product helps to reduce cholesterol and cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. 100 grams of fish fillet contains 16 grams of protein components. They are easy to digest. In addition, in the process of digestion of this product, less toxins are produced than when eating pork or beef.
How to cook a sea wolf deliciously – recipes and tips
This fish is often used in cooking. It can be boiled, stewed or fried. Diet options include steaming and baking in the oven. Any type of heat treatment allows you to get a tasty and appetizing dish. Seabass on a charcoal grill – video recipe for cooking: Most often, the sea wolf is baked with different spices. Sometimes a large amount of salt is used for this. Culinary experts advise preparing such dishes in foil. This will help keep your fish as juicy as possible. To get a tasty product, you should put the fish in the oven for a quarter of an hour. At the same time, it is recommended to bake it at a temperature of 190 degrees. Then you need to remove the foil and hold the fish in the oven for a little more. This technique will help give it a beautiful golden crust. To prepare a tasty and healthy dish,which will saturate the body with valuable substances, it is recommended to combine sea bass with various vegetables. This fish pairs best with potatoes, tomatoes, onions, and garlic. Aromatic herbs – mint, rosemary, thyme, dill will become excellent additions to it. From spices, you can use cumin or turmeric. Citrus juices and mustard dressing will be harmonious additions to the fish. Recipe for cooking seabass in the oven in salt: Lemon wedges can be used when serving seabass. Also, this product goes well with tartar sauce. To make a flavorful dressing, it is recommended to mix garlic, sour cream and pickled cucumbers.Aromatic herbs – mint, rosemary, thyme, dill will become excellent additions to it. From spices, you can use cumin or turmeric. Citrus juices and mustard dressing will be harmonious additions to the fish. Recipe for cooking seabass in the oven in salt: Lemon wedges can be used when serving seabass. Also, this product goes well with tartar sauce. To make a flavorful dressing, it is recommended to mix garlic, sour cream and pickled cucumbers.Aromatic herbs – mint, rosemary, thyme, dill will become excellent additions to it. From spices, you can use cumin or turmeric. Citrus juices and mustard dressing will be harmonious additions to the fish. Recipe for cooking seabass in the oven in salt: Lemon wedges can be used when serving seabass. Also, this product goes well with tartar sauce. To make a flavorful dressing, it is recommended to mix garlic, sour cream and pickled cucumbers.Also, this product goes well with tartar sauce. To make a flavorful dressing, it is recommended to mix garlic, sour cream and pickled cucumbers.Also, this product goes well with tartar sauce. To make a flavorful dressing, it is recommended to mix garlic, sour cream and pickled cucumbers.