Repair and maintenance of reels for spinning – how to disassemble, lubricate, assemble

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Surely every adult in the countryside went fishing at least once. Some enthusiasts get so excited that they start fishing almost every day. And if a very small fish most often falls for an ordinary fishing rod, there will be plenty of space for the cat, because he is also a living creature. Another thing is modern spinning tackle, which consists of expensive and technically complex elements –
rods ,
reels ,
equipment . Particular attention should be paid to spinning reels, which require timely maintenance, lubrication and, if necessary, repairs to work perfectly.
Repair and maintenance of reels for spinning - how to disassemble, lubricate, assemble

Why do you need to do regular service for reels

Each equipment, like fishing reels, requires a systematic inspection in situations of frequent use, violations of operating rules, and also to ensure proper storage in the off-season. In particularly difficult cases, the coil may need to be repaired. It would seem that a not so often used item from the kit of an avid fisherman should be reviewed in a timely manner in order to identify atypical crunching, noises and other malfunctions. If the inventory is not properly stored, the internal parts of the mechanism can rust and also oxidize. Thus, the useful life of such a coil will be significantly reduced. If you take into account the regularly used tackle when fishing, you will notice that the reel most often comes into contact with water and coastal sand. This is compounded by the fact that the coil, especially the spinning coil
, consists of many small parts (gears, bearings, etc.) that will not work adequately without timely lubrication of all parts.
Repair and maintenance of reels for spinning - how to disassemble, lubricate, assembleAnd the disassembled device of the spinning coil [/ caption] In case of debris penetration into the moving parts of the coil, you must immediately clean the inventory on the spot. It is required to partially wipe with a napkin, because the sand will remain in inaccessible places, and subsequently will damage the bushings, bearings, gears. This will significantly shorten the service life of the coils, and this can cause malfunctions. Repair and maintenance of reels for spinning - how to disassemble, lubricate, assembleSpinning coil device outside [/ caption]

How to understand that coil service is required

Usually, the need for the next maintenance of a coil operating on an inertialess principle can be understood by the distinctive points:

  • the period of the first fishing comes after the winter downtime;
  • mid-season;
  • diagnostics of atypical sounds and current viewing of all moving elements to make sure there are no abnormal noises, difficult movement of internal elements;
  • systematic inspection throughout the fishing season in order to determine the integrity of the condition of bearings, gears, bushings, as well as the color of oil, contamination, leaks;
  • extraordinary diagnostics, if the mechanism is not working properly: uncharacteristic noises occur, there is a creak, moving structures are difficult to move, a backlash has formed, there is sand contamination.

Repair and maintenance of reels for spinning - how to disassemble, lubricate, assembleLubrication and repair of spinning reels should be carried out several times a season and after falling into water, sand [/ caption] In reality, it is more optimal to make diagnostics quite often – every 2 months during the season. This frequency must be observed if tangible indications for immediate diagnosis are not visible. Thus, diagnostics and periodic inspection will help to avoid more serious breakdowns.

How to lubricate a spinning reel

Lubrication for spinning coils is sometimes done without preliminary analysis, you need to use a silicone grease that was produced in a liquid state. It is made in cylinders equipped with a simple dispenser. Using a thin dispenser, you must enter the required amount of funds and the mechanism must be scrolled. But you need to understand that such a lubrication method cannot be used for a very long time. In order to operate the product optimally, you should periodically disassemble the coil into parts and coat each element separately. A video on how to lubricate the coil is posted on the Internet:

How to disassemble a spinning coil

First you need to dismantle the spool handle, spool and spool holder. These parts are easy to remove, since the manufacturer has provided fastening structures.
Repair and maintenance of reels for spinning - how to disassemble, lubricate, assembleThen the shaft sleeve is disassembled, where the control washers and the bearing are located. Here you need to use tweezers and simple toothpicks.
Repair and maintenance of reels for spinning - how to disassemble, lubricate, assembleThe overrunning clutch cover is secured with bolts. They must be unscrewed with an appropriate screwdriver. Often, the bolts are shaped like sprockets or hexagons. This fact must be taken into account in the process of preparing the required tool.
Repair and maintenance of reels for spinning - how to disassemble, lubricate, assembleRemove the coupling from the bearing and wipe the dirty areas with a cloth dry, and remove dirt and debris. In order to most effectively remove all deposits, VD-40 is used. Then you need to unscrew the anthers. After that, it will be possible to remove the cover. Access to the gears will appear here. You will need to make special marks on the teeth in order for the marks to match exactly during the assembly process. Then the coil will work exactly as before.
Repair and maintenance of reels for spinning - how to disassemble, lubricate, assembleNext, the main gear and the stop box are dismantled. Now you can disassemble the carriage, which is fixed with a stopper. Once it is removed, the first part is simply dismantled.
Repair and maintenance of reels for spinning - how to disassemble, lubricate, assembleThe coil is then completely disassembled. It is advisable to record the entire disassembly process on video, this will make it easy to assemble the coil after completion of maintenance.
Repair and maintenance of reels for spinning - how to disassemble, lubricate, assembleImportant information! As a result of the correct actions, the device is disassembled into all components. The correct step would be to lay out all the resulting parts on a dry, wiped surface in the sequence of dismantling work that was done. It is optimal to fix the specific stage of all actions in the photo for clear perception. Thus, there should be no problem when reassembling.
Repair and maintenance of reels for spinning - how to disassemble, lubricate, assemble

Recommendations and rules

There are several important tips and rules at the same time:

  • grease must be taken with good moisture resistance and with a significant temperature range;
  • the grease should not have any smell;
  • after completion of the service, it is necessary to rewind or replace the cord;
  • check the taper and quality of its winding, if necessary, adjust by removing or adding shims.

Baitcasting Spinning Reel Maintenance:

How to lubricate spinning coils

Common Tips When Lubricating Spinning Reels:

  1. Optimal lubrication from the same company that made the reel.
  2. Before applying the lubricant, it is necessary to carefully remove the spent remnants of the previous one. Usually, two lubricants cannot be mixed with the mineral and synthetic components in the composition.
  3. As a last resort, Tsiatim 203 is suitable as a lubricant for a spinning reel, and oil used for household sewing machines is suitable as a liquid composition.
  4. There is no need to lubricate the coils with WD-40 fluid or engine oils. In particular, do not do this for a reel containing a large number of plastic parts. It is important! Additives and WD-40 fluid used in engine oils can destroy the coil mechanism.

EFELE spinning reel grease is suitable for all nodes:
Repair and maintenance of reels for spinning - how to disassemble, lubricate, assembleEFELE spinning reel grease [/ caption] How and what to lubricate a spinning reel – video instructions from parsing before collection:

How to lubricate

It is not worth lubricating the disassembled parts separately, since during assembly the parts will slide, making it difficult to install in their place. This will create the potential for items to slip out of your hands and fall onto a dirty surface, and this may result in the need for re-cleaning.

It is better to lubricate the entire mechanism assembly, and do a complete disassembly to remove sand, water and remnants of old grease.

Repair and maintenance of reels for spinning - how to disassemble, lubricate, assembleFishing is fun, but to be successful you need to get serious about the preparation and intermediate cycles of servicing critical parts in your fishing rig.

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