The fat-headed handsome chub is, without a doubt, one of the most coveted trophies of the spinning player. Desirable, but often not understood and not caught, due to insufficient experience of the fisherman, ignorance of the habits of fish and the lack of lures suitable for certain conditions.
The chub is a fish of the carp family, a frequenter of river rifts, deep places under overhanging tree branches and adjacent depths. A very strong, lively, unpredictable and very smart opponent. It has long been caught with a fishing rod, donk, fly fishing tackle and, of course, spinning – the most sporting and interesting variant of hunting for a forehead.
Among the most popular chub lures throughout the season are wobblers, and among wobblers, of course, crank or crankbaits.
Krenki are plump pot-bellied wobblers with their own high-frequency active game. They are produced in many sizes, but the most popular and demanded for the chub are 3-7 cm. Almost all models are equipped with a rattle, which additionally provokes a predator, and sometimes a peaceful fish, to grip.
- Before buying wobblers for a chub, or what you need to know about the habits of a forehead
- What places does the chub hold
- Tackle requirements
- What methods are used when catching chub on the rolls: tactics, technique, wiring
- Choosing working rolls for the chub
- General recommendations when choosing a wobbler for catching a forehead
- Specific models – we recommend!
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Before buying wobblers for a chub, or what you need to know about the habits of a forehead
The chub cannot be classified as a typical predator (such as, for example, pike, ships, perch), since the basis of its diet is not only and not so much fish fry as various insects, insects, caterpillars and cockroaches. This statement is especially true for a small / medium chub, as well as actively feeding in spring and summer during the emergence of the May beetle and other insects. This leaves an imprint on both the tactics of catching chub and the lures used in the fishing process.
What places does the chub hold
Chub prefers small and medium-sized rivers, avoids stagnant bodies of water. Prefers rifts, places where trees and bushes hang over the water. Very often it keeps on the breaks of the stream – between the current and the return, between calm water and the rapid, on “watering cans” – the places connecting the bays with the channel. The most active from April to September-October, depending on the region. That is, the forehead feeds most actively at a time when the water is warmed up.
Tackle requirements
The test blank should be appropriate for the weight and size of the baits used. Ideally, you need two spinning rods for a chub – an ultralight and a light rod. The first with the gram dough up to 8-10, the second more powerful gram up to 15-18. If there is no such possibility and it is supposed to use one form, then in most cases a test of 2-12 grams will be optimal for a chub. But, of course, this will impose restrictions on the baits used. Build under persistent rolls – fast, for smaller and sailing rolls it is good to use a parabolic. In general, this moment is very conditional and the spinning rod should, as they say, lie in the hand. Reel – spinning 2000-2500 according to Shimano. Ultra-thin high-quality braids are used, a fluorocarbon leash is required, which can be spliced with the main cord with a “carrot” or “albright” knot.Such a leash will protect the cord from the effects of sand, gravel, etc. The number of bites also increases.
Important! When fishing on rocky sandy shoals, we recommend using fluorocarbon instead of braids. Since the cord and monofilament in such conditions quickly wear out and become unusable. It is important to equip all wobblers, especially the budget class, with high-quality and thin hooks (Ovner, Jamakatsu). Since the chub often attacks the bait with its mouth closed in an attempt to expel an unnamed guest from its territory. Sharp tees often cut through the mouth even under these conditions.
We also recommend purchasing polarizing glasses that allow you to see schools of fish, and underwater obstacles under water, and the operation of the bait.
What methods are used when catching chub on the rolls: tactics, technique, wiring
For the chub, several spinning fishing methods are used, it all depends on where you have to catch and where the fish is standing:
- By rafting, with a cast under the shore – running fishing from a boat . One of the most interesting fishing methods, which is effective, however, not only and not so much for the chub, but also for the forehead. The fisherman moves along the channel at a distance of casting from the shore (20-40 meters, depending on the size of the river), casts are made under the steep bank at right angles with rolls with a depth of 1-3 meters, depending on the depth. When approaching the roll, we move to the shore, change the bait and catch the roll, using the methods proposed below. If the chub is on a shallower shore, then rolls with a shallower depth are used, and the cast is made at the very edge of the shore / water. This is a typical method for medium-sized rivers.
- Out on the rifts . One of the most interesting and promising methods of catching forehead on rolls. Surface and subsurface lures with a depth of up to 80-100 cm are used. It can also be used when fishing from the shore, if the roll is relatively small and can be completely pierced with relatively small lures. Runs – Cross Stream, Slow Run; downstream, slow drive, rod at minimum angle to the water; upstream with a fairly fast winding of the line – here it is important to feel how the bait works in a seething roll, so that it does not “telepathize” by itself on the seething waves.
- From a boat to anchors with a cast under the shore and / or on deep rifts . Casting is carried out from a stationary boat. Depending on the conditions, deep rifts are caught, where it is impossible or very difficult to fish for the chub, and the chub stands under steep banks, at the boundaries of the stream, in snags, etc.
- Min-upstream from the shore . Casting upstream with minimal deviation from its location. The bait is carried away in an arc, almost automatically starts up and works in the required rhythm. From the angler – slow, even rotation of the reel. Usually 3-4 casts from one point are enough to detect a predator. Moving downstream, we pierce the entire territory in this way. Alternatively, you can use it as a zabrodka – nothing fundamentally changes.
- The drift of the bait by the current to the desired point . When you need to deliver the bait to a place that is inaccessible for casting for one reason or another, floating roll models are used. In particular, these can be pits under low overhanging branches of trees and bushes, points behind snags, stones, potholes in the banks and other places where ordinary casting cannot be reached. Then the bait is lowered into the water and floats under its own power, we lower it just below the intended location of the chub and start wiring. Also, this method is good when the chub is very careful – the fish does not see the angler, but sees an artificial beetle or fry. Another application of this technique is the alloy of the smallest, catchy, but weakly flying rolls.
On the rifts: Rafting:
Choosing working rolls for the chub
General recommendations when choosing a wobbler for catching a forehead
Most often, medium-sized rolls of 2-6 cm in size and with an identical weight, sometimes a little more, are used for the chub. This is due to several reasons:
- The forehead’s mouth is rather small and only a large chub (1.5 kg +) is able to swallow a crank larger than 6-8 cm.
- A large chub, weighing more than 1 kg, is a rather rare prey, and in some cases the spinning player is completely content with ultralight fishing with microcrenches.
- The chub perceives the bait primarily as an insect or beetle, which leaves its mark on the shape and size of the bait, imitating a possible hunting object.
In the future, we recommend specific models of rolls for catching chub, modifications (if any in the model range) are also indicated, but the selection of the most optimal one is selected for certain conditions and the method of fishing.
The color of the roll is selected depending on the season, fishing conditions, the transparency of the water and the mood of the fish. In the spring, after the departure of various beetles and insects, the colors of the wobblers should be similar to them. In general, we note that the chub prefers dark colors with bright splashes (brown / red, yellow / black, beige / light green, etc.). For muddy water, acid colors are good in combination with the same dark ones.
Specific models – we recommend!
All models of cranks presented in these ratings meet the above requirements, catching by chub. The smallest
ultralight tackle for a chub (lures weighing from 2 to 4 grams are conventionally included here, or those that fly poorly and for which ultralight tackle is needed so that you can work tolerably with such tackle):
- Smith Camion (length 3.2, weight 2.5 grams) and his heavier model Smith Camion Magnum (length 3.6 cm, weight 3.3 grams) in all variations from SSR to DDR. Classics for chub, trout, white fish. A very catchy kid for a chub, an ide. Excellent flow control. The Magnum is more long-range and generally more versatile. We recommend to use it on uniform wiring and uniformity with tweaks. The only negative is the price from 1000 rubles.
- Pontoon 21 Mojarrilla (length 4 cm, weight 3.4 grams). Very high quality and relatively inexpensive bait from Pantun 21. Very good workmanship, everything fits perfectly, high quality fittings. Has a realistic high-frequency game, so beloved by the chub. Price from 400 rubles.
- Tsuribito Baby Crank SSR AND DR models (length 3.6 cm, 3.1 and 3.4 grams respectively). Deepening in the area of 1-1.5 meters. Budgetary, but very high-quality rolls. The chub takes on the rifts, for demolition under bushes and in other promising points. Baby Krenk works well on uniforms, uniforms with pauses and light tweaks. It is good to have several models with different depths, different colors. Fortunately, the cost allows. Often come across ide, asp, perch, joke. Price 400+ rubles.
- Usami Purin 38 f , length 38 mm, weight 3.9 grams. Floating budget wobbler. It catches well, but flies badly. Holds the stream passably, but still on the rapids itself gets out of the game. Small and medium chub, perch, asp, perch react well to pot-bellied fish. Price 300+ rubles.
- Mukay Peppy 27F and 27S , length 27 mm, weight 1.7 grams. A tiny little pot for streams, channels, small rivers. Cross-stream uniformity for drift on a loop, upstream. Price 550 rubles.
- Moca 25SR Rodio Craft , 25 mm, weight 1 gram. A very catchy and very delicate tiny roll in terms of work. Throwing is extremely poor, up to 20 meters, and this is in the case of the finest gear. It can be applied by the alloy method on its own, or, for example, on a leaf of a tree, water lilies, with further pulling off from it. The price is 400 rubles.
- Zip Baits Baby Hickory SR (Slow Sinking) and MDR (Floating) , 2.5 cm, 2.6 grams. They are equipped with a single piece and a tee. There is a long-distance casting system inside, it also serves for balancing. Two wobblers successfully complement each other and can be used in almost any conditions of small and medium-sized reservoirs.
TOP of the best
universal rolls for a chub (wobblers weight 4 grams +, or those with which you can work with light tackle, even if they are a little less weight):
- Jackall chubbythe entire range from surface SSRs to deep-sea Diving Chubby. An incomparable classic, depending on the specific variation, these rolls can close almost all situations when catching a handsome head – from rifts to pits under cliffs. On wiring – the lowest speed uniform. Also plays well clean with the help of the current, when the intervention of the spinner is minimal. Throwing upstream, or ee across the stream and let the current play with the bait, controlling it only minimally. A lot of bites on the squish at the moment of splashdown of the roll. In the photo, by the way, a very working color (Pellet Yellow). And in general, to Chubbiki there are more workers in matte colors, like their older “brothers” Cherry. Chinese copies weren’t lying nearby, it’s not even worth spending money – they don’t flicker, they don’t hold the jet, they don’t rattle, and, accordingly, they don’t catch it.Price tag from700 rubles.
- Jackall Cherry the whole lineup depending on the conditions. Cherries are heavier and larger wobblers than Chubbiki. Cherry One Footter and Zero Footer for shallow waters and rifts, Cherry 44 is a universal model, D Cherry 48 for deep rifts, pits and pits. Has a high-frequency stable play on the current. Holds the jet steadily. The main wiring is even and uniform with pauses. For a chub, a crankbait weighing 7.6 grams is more applicable, although a larger 11 gram chub is not allowed to pass. Price tag from 700 rubles.
- Owner Cultiva Bug Eye Bait , length 4.8 cm, weight 6.5 grams. Universal and catchy, albeit not the most famous wobbler. Loopastic has a high-frequency and small-amplitude play. Perfectly works on a chub, an ide. Very long range. Price tag from 650 rubles.
- Megabass Griffon DR, New SR-X Griffon, Zero Griffon, Quiet Griffon MR-X, 6CC and other griffon models – super-quality rolls from Megabass. The quality of workmanship, balancing systems, perfect paintwork, long casting system and catching ability – this is what attracts numerous spinning players, despite the very high cost. The specific model is selected for the fishing conditions. There are models from surface to deep, with varying degrees of buoyancy and different sizes. Price from 1000 rubles.
- Megabass Baby Griffon , length 3.8 cm, weight 5.3 grams. Deepening A smaller copy of its older brother. A universal roll and more suitable for chub, ide, asp, rather than, say, pike. Very tenacious, with high frequency play. It has a patented balancing system that keeps the most powerful jet without getting lost in the wiring. Mows redfin of all sizes. The cost is 700+ rubles.
- Lucky Craft Clutch DR , 4.2 cm, 6.6 grams. A good crank for working in deep places when fishing with rafting, when working on coastal pits and dumps. There is a long-distance casting system. Uniformity, demolition and appstream wiring. Price tag from 700 rubles. Clutch RT – for those who prefer a louder rattle. But, our opinion is that for a chub it is rather a minus than a plus – that’s another matter for a perch.
- EverGreen Crazy Cradle , 3.7 cm, 7 grams. Very compact and catchy kid. With the correct tackle, cast 35-40 meters without problems. Very noisy. According to the colors, you need to select those in which it works in this particular reservoir, for example, the same Chubbik. It is difficult to make recommendations without knowing the specific fishing conditions. Price 700+ rubles.
- Pontoon 21 Red Rag – the entire range. Depth from 0.1 to 1.5 meters. A very successful line of compact rolls with different depths from Pantun 21. Deservedly popular with chubs. Wiring upstream, across the stream for demolition, leveling along steep slopes, pits and tree heaps. The price is 350-400 rubles.
- Ima Imatetra three models – Tri, Di, Mono . Length 4 cm, weight 3.6 to 5 grams. Original wobblers from Ima, each model starting from “Three” and ending with “Mono”, more and more from a mixture of minnow-crank comes closer to the classic crank. The game is also different. The lures work well in calm to medium water. The jet is not their element. Ima TRI and DI accept jerk leads along with uniform. Mono works better on uniform retrieval, high-frequency play lifts the predator from depths of 2 meters or more. Price 800+ rubles.
- DUO Incubator Drop 75 F, 38 mm, 7.9 grams. A very long range bubble. Works on any water – stagnant, swells, rifts, depths, on the return line and the edge of the jets. The price is 1000 rubles.
- Bassday Feather Crank SD , 4 cm, 7 grams. Superficial. Not the most versatile and efficient, but very passable surface. For overgrown rifts and chub that hunt on the surface. The price is 450 rubles.
It is also worth noting the following models of krenk, working on a handsome forehead: Lucky John Haira Tiny, Pontoon 21 Gem 40 F (wood wobbler), Jackall Aragon (compound for large and medium chub), Kosadaka Roger (a good budget copy of Camion from Smith), “tadpole” (the most famous home-made wobbler for a chub – roofing felts shad, roofing felts crank, but deadly bait), Salmo Tiny and many others. Fantasy, the desire to experiment and the search for that very magic pill will always compete with the appetites of manufacturers, and therefore, in conclusion, a little advice from experienced — >>>>
What to do if you want to fish for cranks, but the price of baits from famous brands bites? If your budget is insufficient, we recommend using crankbaits and other wobblers from Tsuribito, Strike Pro, Pontoon 21, Usami, Kosadaka.
The chub is handsome, the chub is a worthy fighter. We respect him and let him go more often!)