Nowadays, there are quite a lot of fishing products produced by small companies that position them as an exclusive product, since their range of such products can be very small, and sometimes there is only one item available. The Lucky Lure lure is one of these. From English, its name is translated as “happy, lucky baubles.” The innovativeness of the bait is, of course, questionable, because compound baits were known and popular long before they were introduced.
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What is the innovative Lucky Lure fish bait
This device belongs to the class of swimbaits – plastic volumetric bladeless lures. Swimbaits differ from other bulk baits in that they are composite. Their body consists of several fragments, interconnected by metal rings. The minimum number of parts for swimbaits is 2. Lucky Lure has 8.
What kind of fish can be caught on Lucky Lure
The manufacturer provides a list of five types of predatory fish, namely:
- pike;
- zander;
- asp;
- large perch;
- large bersh.

Fishing technique on Lucky Lure
All swimbaits are designed for slow line fishing. Sometimes it can be uniform, sometimes the angler has to turn on his imagination. Lucky Lure with its serpentine body should perform well on even wiring. If the results of fishing are not satisfactory, you can try to make short pauses and smooth pulls. Sharp twitching to swimbaits is contraindicated.
Healthy! After the bait splashes down, you need to wait a while. The deeper the fishing area, the longer the wait. Then start wiring.
Tackle for fishing with lure Lucky Lure
For fishing with this bait, a relatively short (1.8-2.1 meters) spinning of a fast or medium-fast action is required. It should be powerful enough – with a top bait test of at least an ounce. Fishing with a
multiplier reel can be more comfortable than with a ”
meat grinder “. [caption id="attachment_10454" align="aligncenter" width="1280"]
Where to fish on Lucky Lure
The Lucky Lure has worked well in still water fishing, in places where there are a lot of stones and individual bushes of vegetation, which the angler must skillfully trace. The pike is an ambush predator and usually attacks either from behind a rock or grass.
Advantages and disadvantages of bait
The advantages of the Lucky Lure lure include the following:
- catchability;
- realistic retrieval behavior that provokes a predator to attack;
- pretty high quality tees;
- a good paintwork that successfully resists the teeth and fangs of predatory fish.
Among the minuses of the bait, the main ones are the following:
- relatively high cost. In online stores, Lucky Lure is offered to customers for about 2,500 rubles, and prepayment is usually required;
- Lack of sizing and limited colors.
You can buy a lucky lure with a significant discount
right now – a unique chance to improve your results for beginners and experienced spinners:
Interesting fact! Recently, 3D technology has been used wherever possible. This is nothing more than a marketing ploy. Lucky lure’s 3D eyes do not affect its catchability in any way.
Where to buy Lucky lure
Lures Lucky lure are sold in online stores. So far, nothing has been heard about the existence of fakes, but it is not a fact that they do not exist. The best buy Lucky Lure on the official website.
Feedback from anglers
Reviews of the angler about this bait are mostly positive. Many are confused by the high cost, but all plastic volumetric baits, including wobblers and topwaters, are not cheap. Some anglers have commented on the high catchability of the Lucky Lure in pot fishing for asp. Usually this predator is extremely cautious, but during a mass fight it can let the angler come closer, especially if fishing is carried out from a boat. When catching pike, the bait has proven itself from the very best side. You just need to use it in the optimal conditions for fishing, which were mentioned above.
Important! The Lucky Lure lure allows you to “cut off” small things with pike and purposefully catch decent fish.
All users note the high quality of workmanship and long service life of the bait.