Autumn … the red-yellow snowfall of leaves, the beauty of sunsets and the cool of the night, the beauty of ripe grain in the fields. But this is not the main thing for the spinning player – the most productive and exciting time for the hunt for fatty pike begins. It’s time for pike and it’s time for a spinning player. If not now, then when? In autumn, pike fishing is effective not only with
jig lures , but also with wobblers. For beginners and not only the question arises, how to choose a wobbler for catching autumn pike, what to look for? We will select the best budget and expensive pike rolls and minnows that work in the fall, and also outline the fundamental features of their use, depending on weather conditions.
- What is the peculiarity of catching pike in autumn with wobblers
- Early autumn – almost summer
- Late autumn is the time zhora
- Posting a wobbler for a pike in the fall
- General tips for choosing an autumn pike wobbler
- The best wobblers for autumn pike: 10 best budget models and an expensive segment with a photo
- Budget autumn wobblers for pike: price tag up to 500-800 rubles
- Rating of the best wobblers for pike in the fall without regard to the price tag: 1000 rubles and above
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What is the peculiarity of catching pike in autumn with wobblers
Autumn is not uniform from month to month, as is the behavior of the pike. The period of the turning point of summer with autumn (in mid-latitudes, mid-August-mid-September) and the second period (October-November) differ in weather conditions, which means the habits and places of pike parking. That, accordingly, leaves an imprint on the choice of the place of fishing and on the selection of used wobblers.
Features of the August summer pike fishing here .
Early autumn – almost summer
So, in the period when the underwater vegetation has not yet fallen, on oxbows / bays / stagnant water bodies, the early autumn pike continues to keep near water lilies and nettles, stands on coastal dumps and often hunt in the water column. On the river, he still goes out to beat shoals and beaches, keeps at the entrance to the pits, walks along the coastal and channel edges, prefers places in a snag on slow water. It can enter the pits, but does not settle there completely. Wobblers at this time are not much different from those used in summer. An amendment is made only to the colors for the background of the water (it still begins to brighten at the end of August), as well as to the fact that by the end of summer the pike begins to prefer slightly larger models of wobblers. Minnow wobblers and
rolls are used, with small and medium depth from 0.5 to 2-3 meters, depending on the specific fishing conditions. Buoyancy is positive, suspender. Drowning less often.
Late autumn is the time zhora
The pike begins to slide to deeper places and goes into the autumn heat up to freezing. At this time, mainly medium-depth and dip models of rolls and minnows are used. Crank divers are especially in demand, in view of the fact that they can cut through the deepest pike sites right along the bottom.
Posting a wobbler for a pike in the fall
In general, wobbler wiring depends on its model and characteristics, as well as on the fishing conditions, fish activity and the preferences and skills of the angler. This is a whole complex of conditions, understanding and adherence to which increases the chances of success. It is worth considering that in the fall the pike reacts well to unhurried lazy postings. For the roll, it is uniform, even with pauses, stop-and-go, soft twitching. For a minnow, a different twitch with a different amplitude and frequency, light throws of the wobbler with a rod in the water column with a pause of 1-3 seconds after each dash. So, the animation of the rolls in the fall:
- uniform wiring – basic;
- uniform undulating wiring;
- uniform wiring with pauses – basic;
- uniform with striking along the bottom and pauses for tearing off the bottom by 10-30 cm;
- stop-and-go with and without accelerations;
- twitch and its variations;
- tossing without pauses.
Minnow animation:
- twitching of various aggressiveness;
- stop-and-go;
- pulling with a rod and a reel;
- acceleration and stop;
- trembling in place (with baits that can do this);
- rod jerks.
How to catch pike with a wobbler in the fall – video from an expert:
General tips for choosing an autumn pike wobbler
Late autumn pike “catches up fat” before freezing and prefers larger baits than in summer. This is due to the growth of the main food base, as well as the brutal appetite of the toothed tooth before the period of passivity in winter. It is worth respecting this desire of hers.
For a minnow it is a length of 80-150 mm and more, for rolls the integral volume of the bait is important – weight, length (from 55-60 mm), back width and head volume.
Sinking wobblers and suspenders are more in demand for pike in the fall, due to the fact that you often have to fish at great depths, and even with pauses, because the bait must keep the horizon of the given wiring, not float. The chosen color of the wobbler in the fall largely depends on the weather conditions and where exactly it is planned to fish for pike. A banal rule: silver, causing colors (yellow, sparkles, red) and “acid” in turbid and deep water; natural colors for a forage base for clear water. BUT! This does not always work, often the best option is to experiment with the color of the lures, and at any time of the year.
The best wobblers for autumn pike: 10 best budget models and an expensive segment with a photo
In our review, basically (unless otherwise stated) models of wobblers are presented that are relevant precisely in mid-late autumn for pike, when the water temperature drops and the toothy-spotted beauty gradually rolls into deeper places and changes its habits from summer to autumn.
Budget autumn wobblers for pike: price tag up to 500-800 rubles
Rating of budget wobblers, which should initially be purchased for those who plan to hunt pike in the fall (TOP-10 minnows and cranks with additional modifications for different fishing conditions):
- Strike Pro Inquisitor 110Sp . 11 cm, 16.2 grams, suspender, depth up to 1.5 meters. Minnoha Inquisitor is a copy of Zipbaits Orbit, but costs 2-2.5 times cheaper. It flies slightly worse than the original, especially in windy weather. Quickly starts up and plays well and actively rolls on uniform with podtvichivaniya. It responds clearly to all movements of the angler. Works well along river pits, along the edge of vegetation. Of the minuses – poor-quality hooks and pretty quickly climbs the paintwork, but this does not have a critical effect on catchability – we change the anchors and apply nail polish where necessary. The price tag is 550-600 rubles.
- Strike Pro Inquisitor DR 110SP 18.9 grams, suspender. Deep sea version of the Inquisitor. The working horizon, declared by the manufacturer up to 5 meters, in practice, up to 6 is driven effortlessly, thanks to the massive shovel and verified geometry. Plays passable on regular uniform, making it a workman for trolling and trophy pike track. In casting, it is used on a uniform and chaotic twitch from hard to soft. Has high frequency play. The best way to use it is to fish holes, channel and coastal edges, deep bays and other places adequate in depth along the very bottom – with tapping and raising turbidity upon contact and a further pause. The bite usually follows at the end of a pause or during the transition from pause to movement. The price tag is 600-650 rubles.
- Strike Pro Inquisitor DR 110SP 18.9 grams, suspender. Deep sea version of the Inquisitor. The working horizon, declared by the manufacturer up to 5 meters, in practice, up to 6 is driven effortlessly, thanks to the massive shovel and verified geometry. Plays passable on regular uniform, making it a workman for trolling and trophy pike track. In casting, it is used on a uniform and chaotic twitch from hard to soft. Has high frequency play. The best way to use it is to fish holes, channel and coastal edges, deep bays and other places adequate in depth along the very bottom – with tapping and raising turbidity upon contact and a further pause. The bite usually follows at the end of a pause or during the transition from pause to movement. The price tag is 600-650 rubles.
- Lucky Craft Pointer 65SP, 78SP, 100SP, 128SP . Weight from 5 to 28 grams, suspenders, deepening 1.2-1.5 meters (in fact, only 100 and 128 can be driven over 1.2 meters). The Pointers series from Lucky Craft are excellent twitch wobblers for the summer-autumn period. Depending on the mood of the fish, the reservoir and personal preferences, the 78th and 100th models are the most effective and popular. 128 is a pure autumn bait. The animation is a typical twitch in which the fidgety Pointer spins around itself 180 degrees. It also works on uniformity with a small jerk of the rod and pauses of up to 2-3 seconds on each meter of the drive. The price tag is 700-1100 rubles.
- Lucky Craft Pointer XD (Extra Deep) : 65XD, 78XD, 100XD. 5, 9.5, 18.5 grams. Extra dippy versions of the Pointer with a depth of 2.5-3 meters. The wobbler is good for the autumn channel pike. A typical deep-sea mine with a massive shovel, which, however, does not interfere with the bait playing on the most active twitch. It catches perfectly in the coldest water, collecting even passive pike on its own. A good deep diver with a stable play on various tweaks, stop-and-go, uniform with pulls. The price tag is 800-1100 rubles.
- Lucky Craft Pointer XD (Extra Deep) : 65XD, 78XD, 100XD. 5, 9.5, 18.5 grams. Extra dippy versions of the Pointer with a depth of 2.5-3 meters. The wobbler is good for the autumn channel pike. A typical deep-sea mine with a massive shovel, which, however, does not interfere with the bait playing on the most active twitch. It catches perfectly in the coldest water, collecting even passive pike on its own. A good deep diver with a stable play on various tweaks, stop-and-go, uniform with pulls. The price tag is 800-1100 rubles.
- TsuYoki MOVER 128SP , suspender, 26 grams, typical fall big minnow. 0.8-1.8 meters deepening. Weighty budget Chinese minnoha, under its own brand. It has shown itself to be excellent in autumn pike in pits and pits up to 3 meters, it works on a current, which means it can be used on channel dumps. It flies tolerably, there is a long-distance casting system. Keeps the wiring horizon. On twitch, it imposingly falls sideways to the sides up to 90 degrees. The price tag is 350-400 rubles.
- Bearking Vision Oneten Plus . 14.7 grams, depth 1.2-1.8 meters. In fact, up to 2.5 meters. A high-quality copy of Megabass’s Vizhin. He actively plays twitching and bites face down. It flies tolerably, the quality of varnish-and-paint is at a height, as for such a cost. The price tag is 400 rubles.
- Kosadaka Kurado XL 60F . 7.5 grams, depth up to 1.5 meters. Budget banks from Kosadak . The price tag for the entire line is 472 rubles. A wobbler with positive buoyancy, holds the stream well. Optimal on the river, wide, but not very deep pools at the junction of summer-autumn, when the water is still warm and the pike often hunts in half water.
- Kosadaka Kurado XD . Depth 2.5-3 meters, weight 5 grams. Shedik has a long blade, so it can be used in a snag. High-frequency and low-amplitude oscillations allow it to be carried out at the lowest possible uniformity with and without pauses. It is also good at twitch and stop-and-go, as well as combining these types of animation.
- Kosadaka Kurado DD . The deepest of all Curado, deepening up to 3.5 meters. Closes the maximum wiring horizon of the entire series. A good-quality smelter, we recommend it as a working Chinese state employee.
- Lucky Craft Moonsault 100,200,250,350 . Crank, from 11 to 14.6 grams weight, depth from 1 to 4 meters, depending on the model. Budget rolls from Lucky Craft. It works well on a uniform bottom wiring with pauses, during which it slowly floats up with its sides. The price tag is 500-700 rubles.
- Jackall Cherry dd . 11 grams, depth up to 3 meters. Classic, must-have, the best of the best for beginners – an understandable, catchy, easy-to-learn crank from Jakal. It is animated as simply as possible, even as for kreenki. Uniform with pauses, stop-and-go, undulating slow without stopping with acceleration of the coil turns. An interesting rattle that shimmers with the entire spectrum of sounds. Cherry’s price tag is 800 rubles.
- Jackall Bling 55 mm, 9.3 grams. Depth up to 1.5 meters, but the vibrations are so powerful that the pike rises from a much deeper horizon. The chubby roll regularly catches on a uniform wiring without unnecessary frills. The price tag is 400 rubles. Quite difficult to find in stores, but there are plenty of offers on the forums.
- Rapala Shad Rap 50, 70, 80, 90 . Deep-water rolls with a depth of 1.2 to 4.5 meters, weight from 6 to 15 grams. Budget wobblers from Rapal from balsa. It can be used in different working horizons by selecting ShedRep for the necessary conditions. Animation from even to light punch. Of the minuses, they are not very catchy. The price tag is 500-800 rubles.
- YO-ZURI L Minnow 66 . 7 grams sinking model. It is good to catch with a twitch with pauses, during which it drowns shaking its sides. This makes it possible to deepen the elk much deeper than the stated 0.8 meters. It keeps the jet very decently and this is a very important aspect of catchability. When fishing against and across the stream, it is good to feed the tip of the rod towards the wobbler after each twitch. A pike killer, claiming to be a researcher on unfamiliar bodies of water. The winner of many ratings and contests, helped to get away from zero in the most difficult situations. The price tag is 500-700 rubles.
There is a simple pattern, but not a dogma, what to choose a minnow or pike roll, depending on the season. Through warm water, until the vegetation fell to the bottom and the pike hunt above and near it in the minnoha’s favorites. In cold water, when the pike goes to the depths, cranks and shoveling minnows work more often. On the channel, pit pike, deep rolls often beat the minnow, since they make it possible to fish more specifically along the bottom of such places.
Rating of the best wobblers for pike in the fall without regard to the price tag: 1000 rubles and above
TOP 10 best catching wobblers for pike in the fall (plus modifications), lures from the expensive segment:
- Megabass Vision OneTen 110SP… Suspender, 14.2 grams, depth 0.5-1.2 meters. Vanten is a handsome man from a number of elite chased minnows. It is equipped with a long-distance casting system, which additionally serves as a stabilizer for the bait in the space during posting. The fixing loops for the anchors are located in such a way (at different angles) that when casting and twitching, overlapping tees are completely excluded. A wide range of colors – can be matched to any water and bottom cover, be it sand, clay, peat bog. In the water it looks like a natural fish for both the angler and the predator. Works on twitching, rolls on pause (sways on the waves) with an unsharp frequent twitch. It works like this – when jerking, it sets rather wide tacks, during the pause it actively rolls. The strength and number of jerks are selected depending on the temperature of the water. The price tag is 1400-1600 rubles.
- Megabass Vision OneTen PLUS1 . The deep version of Vanten. Depth up to 2 meters. More relevant for the September pike, when it is already sliding closer to the depths. Equipped with “Katsuage Out-Barb Hooks” tees, also called barbarian hooking (prying out, not inward). This technology increases the detection rate, according to Megabass, by 25%. The price tag is 1400-1700 rubles.
- Zipbaits Orbit 110 sp.16.5 grams, suspender, when replacing tees with heavier ones – slowly sinking. A copy of Strike Pro Inquisitor, or rather the opposite, a budget copy of the Inquisitor Orbit. Depth up to 1-1.5 meters. Perfect shapes, perfect painting and accessories, everything is clearly traced and fitted – a work of art, not bait … An incredibly catchy wobbler for pike always – in autumn, summer, spring. It works depending on the modification, color and correct filing at any time of the year. It is very simple, as for a minnow, in mastering even for beginners of twitching. Easy to tweak. The pauses after the jerk are important, at the beginning of which the wobbler, by inertia on autopilot, goes another good 20-40 cm, actively flirting with the predator with swaying sides without the action of the fisherman. Supports any kind of animation – from aggressive evil twitching to imposing gentle stretches.A universal version of animation – not sharp stretches with pauses of 2-3 seconds in warm water and up to 10-15 in cold October. The price tag is 1100-1500 rubles.
- Zipbaits Orbit 130 SP . A slightly more plump version of 110 Orbit, from which the game has become more active, and the flight qualities are close to ideal – it flies right on target and very far. The long-distance casting system helps a lot. Depth up to one and a half meters. With one hundred and thirty, an experienced one will get a thrill, and a beginner will get an incomparable experience. We recommend this wobbler for an autumn pike! The price tag is 1200-1600 rubles.
- Zipbaits Orbit 130 SP . A slightly more plump version of 110 Orbit, from which the game has become more active, and the flight qualities are close to ideal – it flies right on target and very far. The long-distance casting system helps a lot. Depth up to one and a half meters. With one hundred and thirty, an experienced one will get a thrill, and a beginner will get an incomparable experience. We recommend this wobbler for an autumn pike! The price tag is 1200-1600 rubles.
- Deps Balisong Minnow 130 SP… 24.8 grams, suspender. Depth 1.5-2 meters. But in fact, it pulls the pike in the pits from a depth of 3-4 meters. That is, it is suitable both for fishing in the water column along river pits and pits, and for frogs – along or above vegetation. It is very heavy and weighty, it is focused on trophy fish, but it also collects 500-1000 gram pike, perch, pike perch. Stubborn, requires a form with a dough up to 35 grams, no less, otherwise it will fail. A chic typical minnoha, very responsive to soft and aggressive twitch, on which it behaves differently. On soft pulls, it prowls around and draws a characteristic herringbone, at pauses it turns around the axis up to 180 degrees. On an active twitch Balisong (butterfly), the wobbler begins to move in two planes – horizontal and vertical components, at the end, before a pause, it bites upside down, like a wounded fish.We recommend to use it on various tweaks, stop-and-go, uniform with pauses, wave-like wiring – acceleration / deceleration. Very noisy, audible from a distance to pike and angler. It works very well thanks to this quality and active play along the snags – it pulls the pike from the depth at a distance, without the risk of breaking the bait in the snags. The price tag is up to 1800-2000 rubles.
- Daiwa Tournament SPIKE 53 SP . Multifunctional crank for catching dumps in depth, coastal and channel edges, deep bays and oxbow lakes on fallen vegetation in autumn. Works at depths of up to 4 meters. He actively plays on regular uniform, stop-and-go and continuous chaotic twitching. The price tag is 1200 rubles.
- OSP DUNK Suspend , suspension, depth 0.5-4 meters. 5 grams. Deep sea crank. OSB Dunk is very good at deep-water autumn pike standing at the bottom. With the help of uniform posting with pauses, literally striking along the bottom, you can seduce the laziest and most passive pike into a grip. Sets wide turns on anamation, the so-called flicker effect is inherent, which is a rather rare topic for rolls. With this roll, the rule works, it is better one posting in three minutes than three postings per minute. The price tag is 1000-1200 rubles.
- OSP Rudra 130 SP and S… 20 and 22 grams. Depth up to 2-2.5 meters. Sinking and suspender for autumn pike. A typical massive minnoch that has already become a classic. A very long-range and animation-responsive bait, one of those whose behavior depends entirely on the actions of the spinner. It can hardly be recommended to beginners in wobbler fishing as the first minnow. Because the success of using Rudra depends entirely on the skill of the hands. Brains first, because hands are about Rudra. It responds well to sharp and hard short jerks with cord recoil. And also secret animation from TutKlev.No. We make a sharp, sweeping pull, thereby flopping the wobbler onto the tack and then a gentle jerk without a pause, thereby setting it on a straight course. It turns out such a Christmas tree. A long-distance casting system, it is also a rattle. The price tag is 1000-1500 rubles.
- Smit Jib 90Sp and 110 SP . Suspender, 7.2 and 12.5 grams. Another famous chasing minnoha, a typical twitch wobbler. Balanced and very long range. Twitch in different variations with pauses up to 3-5 seconds. It plays actively on the wiring and creates a flickering effect. The super hull with a honeycomb structure allowed the center of gravity to be positioned as low as possible, which ensured an active game even with minimal animation. The price tag is 1200-1400 rubles.
- Megabass Deep X-300 . Weight 21 grams. Deep water crank diver for the deepest depths up to 6 meters. Thanks to the Multi-Way Balancer System, the Balancer System quickly reaches the specified wiring horizon and holds it. It can be used for trolling on deep-water trophy autumn pike, as well as for casting fishing in pits, deep bays, whirlpools, channel edges. From stop-and-go animations or the usual uniform drive with accented pauses, you can diversify the drive by light movements of the rod, both during a pause and during movement. The price tag is 1000-1500 rubles.
- Megabass Live-X Revenge , 9 cm, 10.6 grams, working depth up to 2.5-3 meters. The patented Multiway Moving Balancer system provides the wobbler with active play both on the drive and during the pause, during which it continues to wiggle its sides. Twitches in single or double jerks with pauses. The strength of the jerks and the pause is adjusted to the activity of the pike. The lower the activity, the longer the pause and the softer the twitch, and vice versa. The price tag is 1300 rubles.
- Evergreen Sledge Escarda . 7.2 cm, 10.2 grams. Depth up to 1.5 meters. In conclusion, this is not the most unambiguous wobbler. Some have him in clear favorites, while others have not been able to catch him, and therefore get rid of at a bargain price, almost three times cheaper than his real price tag. Therefore, you can grab it on specialized forums for 500-700 rubles, at a real cost of up to 2 k. Animation from uniformity at the lowest possible speeds, to not the most aggressive twitching. Works well in wide reaches. Only 9 colors are also a minus. Discontinued, but you can find it without problems with hands and in some online stores.
Each lure has its own history and its own optimal conditions for use. This set will allow you to close almost all questions and situations on the autumn pike in most reservoirs of the CIS and central Russia. They deliberately did not focus on the colors. Almost every manufacturer has a very wide range of colors in the line. It is worth choosing 1-2 natural and one provocative – acid, mat-tiger, lemongrass – a color that is called “pluck out the eye”.
Where does the information come from? The rating was compiled on the basis of personal experience, reviews of practicing fellow fishermen and based on the popularity of wobblers during autumn pike fishing among members of the forum at specialized sites. But in any case, this is our bell tower and only we can see from it that way. Everyone has different conditions, different philosophy and different skills. But the proposed basic knowledge will help you decide on the choice of a specific bait, as well as more quickly master the features of spinning on it. It should be borne in mind that the game of any wobbler depends on the actions of the angler, on the tackle and fishing conditions. So minnuts on hard fast blanks move more chopped and jerky, while a softer parabolic blank sets the movements of an inert plan. There is no such dependence with rolls, but the convenience and practicality of fishing also largely depends on the tackle and skills of the spinner. We have selected those models of wobblers that actually work on the autumn pike for many years, and those that can be mastered in a short time, without having time to be disappointed in spinning, as such.