Pike is a popular fishing target for many anglers in our country. This fish is found in almost every body of water and has a number of advantages that many fishing enthusiasts truly appreciate. In particular, pike is of great gastronomic value, and its caviar has long served as a cheaper analogue of expensive types of caviar: black and red. But the pike is not only tasty, but also great in wrestling. Its hunting habits and exuberant disposition are highly valued in fishing circles, forcing lovers of this fish to catch it at any time of the year.
- Features of pike behavior in summer, parking places and food preferences
- Spinning pike at the beginning of summer – when does the active zhor start?
- June time
- Spinning pike in July
- August – the pike starts to be active, the spinners rejoice
- Collecting summer spinning tackle
- Top 10 lures for pike fishing for spinning in the summer
- Pike turntables
- Top 4 wobblers for pike fishing at depth
- Top 3 spoons for pike fishing at medium depths in summer
- How to catch pike in summer: tactics in different periods of summer
- Early summer – June
- Mid summer. July stagnation
- The end of summer – the pre-autumn zhor of the pike
- Effects of weather on fishing
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Features of pike behavior in summer, parking places and food preferences
Pike activity pleases the angler all year round. The striped predator is caught practically everywhere and at any time of the year. However, you should always remember that the behavior of the fish directly depends on the weather and the season, and you should also take this into account when preparing for fishing. In general, in summer, the predator continues to actively feed, but it does not do it the same way as on an empty stomach in the
first spring months . In summer, the pike becomes more cautious and finicky about food. Fish changes their habitats, as well as taste preferences. Smaller pike weighing up to 2 kilograms, called grasses, often remain near the coast and feed there, waiting for their prey in grassy creeks.
autumnfishing conditions, fishermen can still successfully continue hunting for striped, using some knowledge, experience, and also having in their arsenal a couple of simple baits that will not leave any pike uninterested. Consider the behavior and features of pike fishing in individual summer months.
Spinning pike at the beginning of summer – when does the active zhor start?
June time
June is the most favorable summer month for spinning pike. At this time, the water in some reservoirs has not yet had time to warm up strongly, and therefore the predator actively continues to wander around the reservoir, periodically feeding itself with small fish. In June, some pikes, which did not have time to do this earlier, finish spawning, so they can stay quite close to the coastal zone. As you know, among pikes you can often find real cannibals who can attack and eat smaller pike. This doubles the chances of a fisherman in catching the coveted trophy, who came to the shore to hunt for young representatives of his own species.
. For spinning, it is preferable to be equipped with bright, well-playable spoons. Bright in cloudy weather and shiny and matte silver turntables and oscillators on an ordinary sunny day show themselves quite well. It is also appropriate to use turntables interspersed with reddish and greenish dots and tones. Numbers 2-3 according to the Meps classification.
… The most common types of fish for live bait are perches, bleak, some types of leucorrhoea, as well as small carp. Fishing for pike on a spinning rod in the summer – a video report on the choice of lures, the place of fishing and fishing tactics: https://youtu.be/QJ40sxqz0hg
Spinning pike in July
Unlike June, July is a less attractive month for fishing. It can even be assumed that this is the worst month for catching many types of fish in a year. All this is due to the increasing heat, a decrease in the level of oxygen in the water and an abundant algae bloom. All of these above factors adversely affect the behavior of the fish and deprive the fisherman of a good catch for the next month and a half. Many large individuals of individual species of fish are at this time at a depth where it is cooler and more comfortable, and pike is no exception. In July, the main object of fishing for many fishermen is the same grass pike, hanging around near the coast in the thickets of algae. These small pikes wait patiently for their prey while in ambush. Many anglers at this time resort to surface wobblers and poppers,who successfully cope with their business and do not cling to the rather overgrown mud.
August – the pike starts to be active, the spinners rejoice
Stagnant July is followed by a very productive August. Many fish species start to activate this month. This can be seen especially clearly in the second half of the month, when the weather slowly begins to become cooler and more and more reminiscent of autumn. Fishing for pike in August is interesting and varied, as the fish begins to feed more and more actively, while not disdaining many of the baits that it refused earlier. Most anglers in the period of August equip themselves with a spinning rod, a boat, a box of lures and
rubber lures and begin to go around the river in the hope of finding a worthy trophy. The closer to autumn, the better.
Collecting summer spinning tackle
Collecting tackle always appears to the angler as something important and responsible. This is really so, because an incorrectly selected tackle can lead to a breakdown of the fish or, worse, the breakdown of the entire working tackle. With the right approach to preparation, you can always hope for a catch. So, let’s consider a couple of basic options for assembling a spinning rod that are most popular with anglers:
- The most common option for assembling a spinning rod for fishing pike from the shore is a 1.8-2.5 meter rod, equipped with a spinning reel , a line from 0.18 to 0.28 (braid 0.1-0.15 mm) and the lure itself. The rod size from 1.8 to 2.5 meters is the most practical, convenient and at the same time reliable. With an average length of a spinning rod, it is possible to make very long casts and successfully fish out pecked fish.
- Another common option for assembling a spinning rod is a 1.7-2.5 m rod for fishing summer pike from a boat, equipped with a spinning reel, good braid, fluorocarbon line as a leash and a lure that meets the fishing conditions. Most often, anglers fish from a boat precisely in order to fish as many promising places as possible. It is especially convenient to look for pits on a floating transport, in which pike is waiting out the heat. For fishing in pits, a deep-water wobbler with a dive of 2-3 meters is perfect. Also, a heavy oscillator, the game of which does not require much effort from the angler, or silicone lures on jig heads or cheburashkas, show itself well.
Top 10 lures for pike fishing for spinning in the summer
When fishing for a predator, it is very important to know what kind of bait he will prefer in a specific period of the season in order to exclude many attempts to find the right one, while spending precious time allotted for fishing. This selection contains several lures that are versatile and suitable for fishing at any time and in many possible places. First of all, you need to consider at what depth the fishing will be carried out. It is also necessary to take into account some weather conditions that contribute to the choice of the color of the spoon, wobbler or silicone.
Pike turntables
Top 3 light spinners for fishing in shallow water in early summer:
- Daiwa Silver Creek Spinner
This lure proved to be excellent in the summer heat, when there can be no talk of biting other baits. Due to its unique bright coloring, provoking fish, and interesting game, it is considered one of the best in conditions of fishing in reservoirs with stagnant water and tall vegetation.
- Lucky John Shelt Blade 03
An excellent spinner that has proven itself in pike fishing on the current. Despite its relatively low weight, the spoon does an excellent job with the wiring and the game is not affected by any external factors. The most simple to use, it has repeatedly shown its significant advantages in comparison with other lures of this type.
- Kuusamo Kuff
Another turntable that has proven itself in practice. One of its significant advantages is that it starts the game immediately after submersion, and it is also effective at any speed of retrieval. This is a kind of treasure for a beginner. The bait does not require special skill in using, but it shows unrealistic results after fishing.
Top 4 wobblers for pike fishing at depth
Summer pike wobblers:
- OSP Varuna 110 SP
This lure is capable of diving to a depth of 2.5-4 meters. It proved to be excellent when fishing in stagnant water, but it is also able to hold on to strong currents when fishing on fast rivers. The golden color of the bait works well both in sunny and cloudy weather. The wobbler is somewhat universal, therefore it has a very high demand.
- Megabass Vision OneTen
This wobbler is effective at medium depths from 1.5 m to 2 m. It is famous for its strength, as well as the durability of the paint. Weighing 12 grams, it responds well to long casts. He showed himself excellently in the summer fishing.
- Flt chad crank
An acoustic wobbler that works well at both shallow and great depths. Compact size, great play and low grip are its main advantages.
- Owner Cultiva Ripn Minnow 112 SP
An excellent minnow wobbler that works at medium and deep depths. Due to its weight, it reacts to long casts. When fishing in pits and rifts of large rivers, that’s the thing!
Top 3 spoons for pike fishing at medium depths in summer
- Mepps Syclops
Branded French lure with an S-shape. The company produces this lure in different colors. When fishing for pike, orange or reddish tones are most suitable, but there are often cases when acid colors work with a bang.
- Kuusamo Rasanen
Famous pike shaker made by Finnish producers. This is a versatile swing set that allows you to fish in completely different conditions. Initially, it was produced for trolling salmonids, but later large types of spoons showed particular efficiency when fishing for pike.
- DAM Effzeth
Quality spinners made by the Germans. The lure is intended for fishing in stagnant water or in reservoirs with weak currents at a depth of 2 to 4 meters. Effective when fishing for perch and pike.
How to catch pike in summer: tactics in different periods of summer
Early summer – June
At the beginning of summer, you can successfully catch pike, as well as at the end of spring. The fish still continue to feed and often enter shallow water to drive the fry. The ideal time for fishing will be the morning dawn, when the water has not yet had time to warm up. It is recommended to use average weight fluctuations from 5 to 15 grams with a predominance of orange colors. Not bad pike bites and in the evening half an hour before sunset and about half an hour after it.
Mid summer. July stagnation
In the middle of summer, pike, like many other fish species, bite especially reluctantly. Large individuals practically do not go aground, but hide in pits, in landslides and are saturated with oxygen on rifts far from the coast. At this time, you should not hope for a large catch. Many fishermen are good at catching only grass pike, fishing in shallow water among aquatic vegetation.
The end of summer – the pre-autumn zhor of the pike
At the end of summer, many species of fish, especially predatory ones, begin to actively eat. In mid-August, during the cooling period, the pike again goes into fattening. At this time, you can already put heavier baits, up to 25 grams. In August, the turntables work much worse than at the beginning of summer, so it is recommended to use heavy vibrators, medium-sized wobblers, as well as edible rubber. Jigs are especially good on fells and in places with low currents.
Effects of weather on fishing
The weather in fact always affects the behavior of the fish and the result of the forthcoming fishing. As you know, the summer months in central Russia, in the Urals, as well as in the south, are quite hot, so many rules for pike fishing will be common for everyone. Because of this heat from the end of June to the middle of August, it is practically impossible to get close to the pike, not counting the bites of small grasses. But in this whole system there is still a certain loophole, which must be mentioned. Many anglers know that pike loves cloudy, cool, pre-thunderstorm weather. This is really no myth. Many species of fish, and in summer in particular, like to come out of the depths at such moments in order to get enough oxygen in the shallows and at the same time feast on. Of course, knowledgeable anglers cannot pass up such a chance and are happy to use this opportunity.At such moments, silver and metallic baubles work well. They shine pretty well in the water in cloudy weather and are time-tested.
- Bring as many different types of lures as you can on your summer fishing trip , if you can. This will significantly increase the chances of catching finicky fish.
- Some anglers neglect the installation of the leash on the spinning rod , which ultimately leads to the breakage of the tackle. The pike is a predator with a developed jaw and sharp teeth, which break off the tackle at the moment.
- Have tongs handy to pull the bait out of the fish’s mouth . As mentioned earlier, the pike has sharp teeth on which quite a lot of bacteria accumulate, so such a bite will be especially unpleasant and will take a long time to heal.
These, perhaps, were the main tips to help you fish out the long-awaited pike. Although in summer the bite of the pike is rather weak, this does not prevent many spinners from successfully catching the striped predator, getting incredible pleasure from fishing it.