Zander Fishing in Winter – Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged Predator


Pike perch, or river wolf, is a valuable prey for avid anglers. Catching him, especially in winter conditions, is a difficult but interesting process. Experienced gossipers are ready to endure the difficulties of this process, if only the coveted trophy is in the hands. But it is a mistake to think that catching this predator is easy, and you only need luck. So that fishing does not end in disappointment, you must at least know the water area well, be able to properly prepare and use the tackle, and also know the habits and habits of this fish.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged Predator

Features of the behavior of zander in winter

The pike perch is a large, fast-growing predator. He needs a lot of food to meet his energy needs. And although it belongs to schooling fish, their communities are small. In addition, pike perch is a thermophilic fish, so in winter it prefers to live apart, sinking to a depth and looking for places with the warmest water. The ideal place for him are reservoirs with a strongly relief bottom, flooded with logs, snags and other shelters. You can also find it along the channels of deep rivers, artificial flooded quarries or along river pits.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorIn winter, pike perch prefers to stay deep [/ caption] The striped predator is very sensitive to the amount of oxygen in the water. This becomes especially noticeable at the end of the freeze-up period. During this period, pike perch prefers to remain at rest and not waste energy on unnecessary movement, spending their days in a secluded place, waiting for prey.

Therefore, it is useless to expect successful catching of a toothed fish in reservoirs with a heavily muddy and overgrown bottom. He’s just not there.

Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorDepending on the weather and temperature, the behavior of the fish changes slightly. For example, at the beginning of cold weather or in very mild winters, pike perch can periodically appear in shallow water, where it comes for small prey. But in severe frosts and by the middle of winter, it sinks to a depth where the water temperature is usually higher than at the surface. During this period, pike perch practically does not react to small fish and moves if the prey attracts with its size. In rivers with a natural flow, pike perch will look for a place where the water flow is less intense. Zander is, for the most part, a nocturnal predator. Therefore,
at night, even in winter, he can go hunting. But he does not float far from his anchorage. This feature is used by fishermen, organizing fishing in the evening or early morning hours. Pike perch
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged Predatorstands for fishing on balance beams [/ caption]

How to look for zander in stagnant bodies of water and on rivers without flow

If everything is more or less clear with the wintering place of this fish in rivers (it is enough to study the map of currents), then in reservoirs without a current, the search for pike perch can be quite difficult. Experienced fishermen draw up their own map of the bottom of the water area, marking the places where this predator can live. In their opinion, pike perch is a constant fish and walks along the same paths. Therefore, if in some place it was possible to catch a fanged one, it is safe to say that other pike perch will again come to this empty place. Based on the marks, the fishermen determine the points where the predator sets up an ambush.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorA desirable trophy – but it is not easy to catch a pike perch, it is important to know the places of its stopping depending on the winter month [/ caption] If there is no such map, you will have to search for fish by the “poke” method or by using search bait. This process is lengthy and requires some skill and patience. Having drilled a hole, the spoon is lowered to the bottom and up to ten vertical postings are made. A hungry pike perch, if it is nearby, will surely react to the bait and try to grab it. If there is no grip, it is better to move to another hole and try there. It is better to drill holes all over the fishing area at once, at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. So it is more convenient and faster to move, looking for places for the parking of a fanged predator.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorStopping places of the winter fanged handsome man – where to look for and catch pike perch on the river in winter [/ caption] The pike perch will surely grab the bait if it is no further than half a meter from him. At a greater distance, even if the fish sees a spoon or balancer, it will not always come out of the shelter. And this must be taken into account. In this case, an echo sounder is of great help. Seeing a spinner, the pike perch will still start to show activity, “thinking” whether to rush to the prey or not. A properly tuned echo sounder is able to catch even minor fish movements and transmit the signal to the screen. To avoid false positives, it is better to turn off fish identification in the settings immediately.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorDisplaying fish on the echo sounder screen [/ caption] Also carefully adjust the display of the ground so that it is reflected on the screen with a sensitive signal. The lure / balancer / ratlin should also be clearly visible. With the help of an echo sounder, you can catch not only the activity of the pike perch, but also evaluate its behavior, the distance of the shelter from the hole, determine the number of individuals in the vicinity and their activity.

Where to look for walleye in different periods of winter

The fact that in winter the fanged predator prefers to be at a depth does not mean that its behavior will be monotonous. In different weather and time, he does not behave the same. With the onset of cold weather, the fish is still active. Pike perch can often be found in shallow water, where it comes to feed. Moreover, the time of his hunt does not depend on the period of the day. The fishermen, knowing this, take the opportunity and organize fishing throughout the day.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorThe lower the temperature, the less active the predator is. He tries to go to a depth where it is warmer and more oxygen. In the middle of winter, the pike perch still goes on an active hunt, and you can catch it, knowing the places of its accumulation. During the day, you should look for it in shelters or holes. At night, when the pike perch comes out to feed, you can examine shallow water areas, in the form of slopes and dumps. But don’t look too far from cover. He seldom strays far from his permanent campsites.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorIn winter, pike perch often goes hunting at night [/ caption]

The most unfavorable time for catching a predator is February, when a pike perch cannot be moved by any bait. At this time, he too conserves his energy to throw himself at any prey. At such a time, there may be no biting even in places of obvious accumulation of fish.

In late February or early March, zander returns to activity, and he begins to actively hunt for juveniles. During this period, it can be found both in its favorite places, in pits and under snags, and in river mouths, in oxbows and in places where depths fall.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorIntensity of feeding pike perch depending on the time of day [/ caption]

How weather changes affect zander fishing

Like any living creature, zander is sensitive to changing weather conditions. Its activity can be influenced not only by temperature changes, but also by precipitation, cloudiness, wind strength and changes in atmospheric pressure. Under water, pressure drops are felt more strongly, so the fish at such a time changes its behavior, refuses to feed. Trying to compensate for pressure drops, the fish runs between the bottom and the surface of the reservoir. With increased pressure, the predator leaves the depth, climbing upward. When low, on the contrary, it goes down. Adapting to the changed pressure, the pike perch resumes its activity.

Interesting to know! After severe frosts, blizzards or snowfall, experienced fishermen do not advise to go out immediately to catch fish. It is best to wait a few days until the fish is back to normal. But cloudy days are considered favorable for catching walleye. At this time, he is active and takes the bait well.

Collection of tackle for catching walleye and its features

Winter fishing for zander is different from summer fishing. For this period, special gear is needed. Basically, they use a fishing rod with a bait-balancer-vib, as well as the second approach “postavushku” or live bait. Features of the winter fishing rod for catching zander:

  1. The rod is used for fishing with a ratlin-balancer lure. Pike perch fish is heavy and sharp, it also has a hard mouth, so the rod must be hard, up to 2 meters long. Catching a walleye is not a quick process. To keep your hands comfortable, it is better to use a warm handle. It is better to use a transparent line with a cross section of at least 0.25-0.35 mm. Alternatively, you can use a thinner braided cord with a smaller diameter. But it is very icy. Pay special attention to the coil and the nod.Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged Predator
  2. The reel should be roomy, which can fit up to 30 m of line. The reel should be picked up with a light stroke so that it is convenient to work with it in gloves. Most often, an inertial coil is used.
  3. It is better to use a spring nod, in which you can change the stiffness by changing its length. The smoothness of the movements of the bait will depend on the softness of the oscillations of the nod.

Important! You need to adjust the tackle so that you feel it when the fish comes into contact with the bait. Zander may not immediately grab the bait, but first gently touch it, especially if it seems suspicious to him.

Zander lures are most often used long and narrow. Many anglers prefer soft silicone baits. They look more like live fish, but metal spinners have a number of advantages. They are durable, resistant to damage, withstand a lot of bites, so they can be used more than once.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorAdmiral spinner for pike perch [/ caption] Usually metal spinners are equipped with tees, which increases the chance of effective hooking. But they need to be used with caution in tight spots. As a winter zander bait, you can use not only spoons. Fishermen also use live bait, sprat, balance weights, vibes, wobblers and jigs. Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorBalance weights for winter fishing for pike perch are a frequent lure [/ caption] Fishing for pike perch in winter with balance weights in winter for 2021: Some fishermen use strings or gutters. They are good for their massive use. You can put several supplies in different holes. But this method is good when you are sure that there is a pike perch nearby. The supply is a fairly primitive tackle, consisting of a fishing line, a hook and a sinker. The fishing line is wound on a wooden spreader, which is fixed on the ice, and the tackle with the bait is lowered into the water. The construction of the supply allows you to release the line from the clamp when biting. The predator swallows the bait and remains on the hook.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged Predator

Interesting! The supplies can be left unattended for a long time. If the tackle is well strengthened and the line is strong, the pike perch will not fall off it.

The gutters are similar to the supply, but they are mainly located on the ice. A part of the line with a hook and bait is immersed in the water. When biting, under the tension of the fishing line, a colored flag is released from the mount, which signals to the fisherman that the fish is on the hook. The principle of fishing is similar, but you cannot leave the girders unattended, the line may freeze into the ice and the device will not work.

Features of catching zander in the current with different bait

There is no fundamental difference between catching a predator in the current and in stagnant water, although there are some features that need to be taken into account. On the river in winter, pike perch tries to stay in slow currents, since the water there is richer in oxygen. Due to this, the fish is more active and reacts somewhat differently to the bait. Also, due to the current, the line may deviate and “sail”, so the bite is quite soft. It can be seen only when the line is reeled, when a heavy carcass hangs on it. During the winter, you can fish in bad weather, but the risk of tangling the line is many times higher. The bait also “behaves” a little differently on the current. These features affect the subtleties of using bait and fishing in general. Fishing for walleye in winter on a trolley on the Ob Sea:


When fishing on the current with the use of a spoon, you need to take into account the strength of the current and the weight of the spoon, and also understand that the depth and season of fishing, as well as the type of spoon, affect the quality of the animation of the bait. On the current, they use spinners weighing at least 50 g. It is lowered to the bottom and rhythmically thrown to a height of 20-40 cm, with a break of 5-6 seconds. It is this break that is important. At this moment, the spoon is picked up by the current and is somewhat removed from the hole. Fishing for zander in winter with a spoon – fishing from ice: Rhythmic movements of the spoon with the same interval will make the bait stay in the stream of the current in one place from the bottom. Usually pike perch responds well to such a game and does not do without a bite. https: // / lovlya-xishhnoj-ryby / spinning / primanki / blesny-na-sudaka.htm

Fishing on a balancer

The balancer is a lure in the form of a brightly colored artificial fish, which is balanced at both ends by two hooks and a tee with beads at the bottom. For stability of the balancer in water, there are plates in the tail of the balancer, which ensure its horizontal position when playing.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorThe fishing technique resembles working with a
spoon.… The bait also sinks to the bottom and is thrown with sharp movements to a height of 20-50 cm. The pause between tossing can be up to 20 seconds. The geometry of the artificial fish allows it, after a swing, to go to the side, turn around and come back. When fishing on the current, the animation of the balance bar resembles the movements of a real fish trivia. Balancer convenient to change the technique of animation, and use a broach or sharp podrygivaniya and can be lightly tapping the bait on the bottom of
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorClassic at catching walleye in winter – viby [/ caption] Also, winter fishing for zander is not complete without vib-ratlin:

Fishing with live bait

When fishing for zander with live bait, small live fish (bleak, crucian carp, dace, roach) are used as bait. In this case, the same tackle is used as when trolling. Fishing tactics and techniques are used as in most cases. Advice! You need to plant the fish behind the back so that the hook passes under the dorsal fin. Then the fish will retain its vitality longer, and will be kept in its natural position. Do not stick live bait over your mouth.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorHow to put live bait on the hook [/ caption]

Catching zander in winter on sprat

One of the easiest ways to catch pike perch in winter is sprat fishing. For rigging, a standard set of fishing rods, fishing line, sinkers, tee and leash is used in compliance with the requirements for zander tackle. The tackle is collected in the following order: a sinker is fixed to the end of the main fishing line, and a 5 cm long leash with a tee is attached above it. Sprat is used only freshly frozen, salted pike perch does not recognize. You can put the bait on the tee by any means, but it is better to fix it across.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorTulka nozzle [/ caption] Then you can use any tactics: from motionless waiting for a predator to play. Catching zander in winter on sprat on a jig – video:

Catching on silicone

Silicone pike perch baits are used when jigging fish. This is the name for catching predatory fish when a bait with a load in the front is used. The advantage of this type of fishing is that when putting on the jig head, the hook looks up and is held in this position. This avoids clogging. The fishing principle and tactics are similar to a spoon and a balancer. Experienced fishermen prefer to use silicone passive fangs. They noticed that pike perch like to keep the bait in their teeth longer, which means there is more time for hooking.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged Predator

Fishing with a jig

A jig or a
rewinder is a type of artificial bait that is vaguely similar to an amphipod crustacean. To catch pike perch, large and heavy jigs weighing more than 0.3 g are used. When fishing for pike-perch in winter, light-colored baits are chosen, mainly in the form of a droplet or ball. Pieces of fresh fish are used for the bait.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorAdditional decorations are almost always a plus when fishing with waterless jigs [/ caption] The tactics of fishing with a jig requires a calm posting. You can safely drive the bait, keeping it closer to the bottom. A good result is given by uniform tapping with the same break. At the same time, a cloud of turbidity rises, which the pikeperch takes for fry swarming in the silt. When fishing for pike perch in the current, pulling the bait gives a good result. The technique is the same as with a spoon. The jig is raised above the bottom to a height of 30-40 cm and the fishing line is loosened so that the current carries the bait a little. After it sinks to the bottom, it is carefully dragged to the starting point. The pike perch seizes the bait at the moment of its rise from the bottom.

Catching zander with a noodles

Fishermen call a bait in the form of a weight-cylinder, on the sides of which hooks are attached. To make it look attractive to a predator, the forend of the hooks is decorated with colored beads or wrapped with bright fluffy thread. An important condition for rigging is to maintain balance. For this, the hooks are fastened to the same size. This is an important condition, because the quality of the bait play depends on the balance.
Zander Fishing in Winter - Winter Tackle, Lures and Tips for the Fanged PredatorBalda can be interesting when fishing for zander and perch, especially if the promising area is small [/ caption] When fishing for zander from the ice, they use the tactics of a smooth but sweeping game. In this case, the nod makes an oval motion. Under the action of the movement of the water, the hooks begin to move. From the outside, it looks like a small bug floating in the water. If we apply the tactics of tapping on the bottom and raise the dregs, the attractiveness of the “bug” for the pike perch will increase. Catching zander in winter is fun and at the same time requires patience. With the right choice of place and the selection of gear, as well as having studied the tactics of fishing, you can count on the result.

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